HP SCP Software for s manual Delete Printer, Single Configuration Dialogs

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Delete Printer

If you want to remove one printer, highlight the printer in question under I NS TALLED PRI NTERS and click the DE L E T E PRI NTE R button (or click DE L E TE within the context menu that appears after right- clicking on an installed printer).

You will unavoidably need the DE LETE button in order to erase installed queues and printer clusters.

If a printer is in use for a queue or cluster, it cannot be deleted: you have to erase the queue and/or cluster first that is using the printer in question.

The single Configuration Dialogs

If there are already printers installed and configured for your reprocontrol.server, you can directly open the single configuration windows, which will be explained in § THE CONFIGURATION WIZARD.

Right click on a printer under INSTALLED PRI NTERS , highlight PRI NTER CONFIGURATION and select the needed configuration dialog from the context menu:

By using W I ZARD you will rerun the configuration wizard for the selected printer.


Image 15
Contents SCP reprocontrol for HP Manual Content Create USER-DEFINED Formats REPROCONTROL.CLIENT Main Applications Setting the Black and White Points with the Pickers Emove Done JOB Records After Operating Systems Introduction / RequirementsSystem Requirements Hardware RequirementsInstallation Printer installationInstallation of the Hardlock Installation of the Program Reprocontrol.server Page Login Keycode Entry Hardware Configuration Printer ConfigurationPrinters / Queues Delete Printer Single Configuration DialogsWindows Spooling Configuration WizardName / Connection Printer NamePlacement Rotate AlignmentRollwidth tolerance Technical Label Define Medialist Configuration / Loaded ConsumablesDefault Settings for Print Options Page Calibration for RIP CalibrationCalibration Target Print Target Profile Library Get ProfilesExport to Library On-site Calibration SpectrophotometerEdit media parameters Reset media parametersEdit size correction Delete CalibrationTarget Selection Printer Create QueueTab General QueueSet Print Size Use Printer Default SettingsPicture Edit Settings MediumTab Output Options CopiesSet Output Size De-/Activation of the Queue Tab QueueQueue description PrioritySet User Rights to change Queue Listen to LPRListen to raw port Tab Hpgl Cost optimizing Create Printer ClusterLoad Sharing Simulation of a multiroll printerPage Max. Print size Wait for best fitting Printer when busy Distribute jobs among similar printers of the clusterAllow monochrome prints on color printers Create user-defined formats PreferencesTab General Paper FormatUnit Simple filter editor by Default for RIPShow warning when configuration changes Show warning when unsaved changes will be deletedUse compressed transfer Exit Menu Bar OptionsFile Files to Print SelectionConfiguration Printers/QueuesPreferences Apply Settings Globally Load presetSave preset Set as defaultChange password Show preflight ViewPreview Show button captionActivate all Switch activeEdit DownInfo ActionsHelp Basics Reprocontrol.client main applicationsFeatures of the Toolbar Reload Job Start new jobPreview Edit AOI Reset AOI Setting Apply FilteringRIP Preview Select an AreaSoftproof Show Gamut WarningEdit Images and Output FileUse Color Management Print Size Original SizePrint Mode FilterBrightness Pen Settings User Pen Settings Change Pen ColorSave / Load Pen Parameters Functions and Structure of the Filter Editor Filter EditorPreview of the Filter Editor Histogram Black Point Adaptive Setting the Black and White Points with the PickersText/Background StaticWhite Point Adaptive ContrastTab Postprocessing Black & White Mode DespecklingTo use this filter Inverted Hole FillingTab Gamma Correction Color Mode without Color Management Gamma Gamma slidersGray Balance Sliders for the White Point Tab Enhancement Color Mode with Color ManagementLevel Tab Special Filter All Modes except of Black & White ModeNone Adaptive SharpnessHint Using the adaptive sharpness filter LimitDisplay Transfer Function Smooth SharpFilter Radius µm Tab Color Adjust Color Mode with Color Management Tab Color Exchange Color Mode with Color Management Lab Color Space Reprocontrol.WinDriver Tab Log WinDriver SettingsTab Settings Use last settingsUsing the WinDriver Tab Jobs Reprocontrol.monitorButton commands Tab Connection Tab Printers/QueuesMenu Options Tab Configuration KeycodeJob Database Unit Summary CosttrackerDetails Page Export PreferencesCalibration of the costtracker Reprocontrol.backup