HP SCP Software for s manual Smooth, Sharp, Filter Radius µm

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Step 2: Setting the level of the sharpening filter:

Move both boxes to the extreme left, but leave their position in the height unchanged.

In the zoom window, look at text sharpness. Move the upper box upwards until text is sharp enough.

Step 3: Setting the limit:

Move first the upper box, then the lower box to the left without changing their position in the height, until raster pattern disappears and text is sharpened.

To see the effect of the filter ADAPTIVE SHARPNESS , activate the radio button NO N E and compare the results you had achieved with the original image.

To edit a filter already existing, open the filter editor via the button CHA NGE , and click on the tab SP E CI A L


Display a preview.

Activate the radio button ADAPTI VE SHARPNESS .

To reduce raster pattern in single-color area, enter a lower value in the bottom field under L EV E L in order to get a greater smoothing effect.

Enter a larger value in the left LI MI T field to apply the smoothing filter to areas with higher contrast.

To enhance edge sharpness, enter a bigger value in the upper field under L EV E L in order to get a greater sharpening effect.

Enter a smaller value in the right LI MI T field to lower the threshold from which the sharpening filter is active.


This filter is intended to reduce image noise and distortions, and affects the whole picture contrast. Edit the picture with the slider.

0:no smoothing

100:max. smoothing Default value: 50


With SHARP , you will be able to make fuzzy pictures clear. As outlines are enhanced, pictures become clearer. This filter increases the contrast between light and dark pixels and enhances the edge sharpness of text and lines drastically.

0:no sharpening

100:max. sharpening Default value: 50

Filter Radius [µm]

You may additionally fine-tune the effects of the current selected special filter (including ADAPTI VE SHARPNE SS , SMOOTH and SHARP ), by altering the filter radius. The FI LTE R RADI US slide bar will change the number of pixels that are affected by the current filter.


Image 70
Contents SCP reprocontrol for HP Manual Content Create USER-DEFINED Formats REPROCONTROL.CLIENT Main Applications Setting the Black and White Points with the Pickers Emove Done JOB Records After Hardware Requirements Introduction / RequirementsSystem Requirements Operating SystemsPrinter installation InstallationInstallation of the Hardlock Installation of the Program Reprocontrol.server Page Login Keycode Entry Printer Configuration Hardware ConfigurationPrinters / Queues Single Configuration Dialogs Delete PrinterPrinter Name Configuration WizardName / Connection Windows SpoolingPlacement Alignment RotateRollwidth tolerance Technical Label Configuration / Loaded Consumables Define MedialistDefault Settings for Print Options Page Calibration Calibration for RIPOn-site Calibration Spectrophotometer Profile Library Get ProfilesExport to Library Calibration Target Print TargetReset media parameters Edit media parametersDelete Calibration Edit size correctionTarget Selection Queue Create QueueTab General PrinterMedium Use Printer Default SettingsPicture Edit Settings Set Print SizeCopies Tab Output OptionsSet Output Size Priority Tab QueueQueue description De-/Activation of the QueueListen to LPR Set User Rights to change QueueListen to raw port Tab Hpgl Simulation of a multiroll printer Create Printer ClusterLoad Sharing Cost optimizingPage Max. Print size Distribute jobs among similar printers of the cluster Wait for best fitting Printer when busyAllow monochrome prints on color printers Paper Format PreferencesTab General Create user-defined formatsShow warning when unsaved changes will be deleted Simple filter editor by Default for RIPShow warning when configuration changes UnitUse compressed transfer Files to Print Selection Menu Bar OptionsFile ExitPrinters/Queues ConfigurationPreferences Set as default Load presetSave preset Apply Settings GloballyChange password Show button caption ViewPreview Show preflightDown Switch activeEdit Activate allActions InfoHelp Reprocontrol.client main applications BasicsFeatures of the Toolbar Start new job Reload JobPreview Select an Area Reset AOI Setting Apply FilteringRIP Preview Edit AOIShow Gamut Warning SoftproofFile Edit Images and OutputUse Color Management Original Size Print SizeFilter Print ModeBrightness Pen Settings Change Pen Color User Pen SettingsSave / Load Pen Parameters Filter Editor Functions and Structure of the Filter EditorPreview of the Filter Editor Histogram Setting the Black and White Points with the Pickers Black Point AdaptiveContrast StaticWhite Point Adaptive Text/BackgroundDespeckling Tab Postprocessing Black & White ModeTo use this filter Hole Filling InvertedGamma Gamma sliders Tab Gamma Correction Color Mode without Color ManagementGray Balance Tab Enhancement Color Mode with Color Management Sliders for the White PointAdaptive Sharpness Tab Special Filter All Modes except of Black & White ModeNone LevelLimit Hint Using the adaptive sharpness filterDisplay Transfer Function Sharp SmoothFilter Radius µm Tab Color Adjust Color Mode with Color Management Tab Color Exchange Color Mode with Color Management Lab Color Space Reprocontrol.WinDriver Use last settings WinDriver SettingsTab Settings Tab LogUsing the WinDriver Reprocontrol.monitor Tab JobsButton commands Tab Printers/Queues Tab ConnectionMenu Options Keycode Tab ConfigurationJob Database Unit Costtracker SummaryDetails Page Preferences ExportCalibration of the costtracker Reprocontrol.backup