Setting the execution mode for Microsoft Windows
During the installation process on a server using a supported Microsoft® Windows® operating system, you are prompted to select the Execution Mode setting. This setting determines whether you can run ACU on the server from a remote network location.
You can change the execution mode at any time by selecting Setup HP Array Configuration Utility from the Start menu.
Comparison of ACU execution modes
Local Application mode | Remote Service mode |
ACU is installed as an executable | ACU is installed as a service that |
application. | starts when the server is powered up. |
ACU runs only on the local system | ACU can be run remotely from |
and cannot be run remotely. | another server across a network. |
A browser is used to render the user |
interface, but no Web server is |
required. |
Authentication is handled by the | Authentication is handled through the |
operating system, ensuring that the | same mechanism used for Systems |
user is an administrator on the server | Insight Manager agents. |
running ACU. |
Overview for using ACU
1.Open ACU.
You can operate ACU in scripting mode ("Scripting in ACU" on page 31), CLI mode ("Using the Command Line Interface" on page 43), or GUI mode. Furthermore, you can access the GUI mode in the following ways:
•As a local application (this method is available only on Microsoft® Windows® platforms) ("Opening ACU in Local Application mode" on page 7)
•Through a browser ("Opening ACU in Browser mode" on page 8)
•Through HP Systems Insight Manager ("Opening ACU through Systems Insight Manager" on page 9)
Getting started 6