Installing And Configuring
Configure LDAP-UX Client Services with Publickey Support
After you enter the prompts for "Directory login:" and "password:", ldapentry will bring up an editor window with the profile entry. You can add the serviceAuthenticationMethod attribute.
The value of the serviceAuthenticatioMethod entry depends on the authentication method you configure. The following shows the possible values of the serviceAuthenticationMethod attribute:
•For simple authentication, the data in the entry is: serviceAuthenticationMethod:keyserv:simple
•For simple with SSL enabled, the data in the entry is: serviceAuthenticationMethod:keyserv:tls:simple
For more information on ldapentry, refer to Chapter 5, “Command and Tool Reference,” on page 137.
Step 3. Go to /opt/ldapux/config:
cd /opt/ldapux/config
Step 4. Use /opt/ldapux/config/get_profile_entry to download the modified LDIF profile:
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