[no] static‐route ip‐prefix/ip‐prefix‐length next‐hop ip‐address
A static route is added for with a next hop of with the command below:
To check connectivity:
ping router “management” <Gateway IP>
6.[Optional] Enable index persistence for SNMP managed HP VSCs
If the HP VSC is going to be managed using SNMP, it is recommended that index persistence be enabled using the persist command to ensure that MIB objects, like IP interfaces, retain their index values across a reboot. The .ndx file that saves all of the indexes in use is saved on the same device as the configuration file whenever a save command is issued to save the HP VSC configuration.
The persist command has the following syntax:
persist {on off}
To enable index persistence, the command is:
7.Save the configuration to cf1:
The BOF file is normally saved in the same directory as the image file for DCNOS , but for the HP VSC, it is recommended that the bof.cfg file be saved to the cf1: “user” emulated disk.
Note: The “image” disk CF2: has a default bof.cfg file, but any user modified bof.cfg should be stored on the “user” disk CF1:.
The command to save the BOF to cf1: is:
8.Reboot the HP VSC to load the saved boot options
After saving the BOF, the system needs to rebooted because the bof.cfg is only read on system initialization.
To reboot the HP VSC, issue the following commands:
WARNING: Configuration and/or Boot options may have changed since the last save.
Are you sure you want to reboot (y/n)? y
The exit command returns the CLI to the root context so that the admin reboot command can be issued to reboot the system. Answer in the affirmative to reboot.