HP Distributed Cloud Networking manual HP VSC Software Installation, HP VSC Installation Notes

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3 HP VSC Software Installation

This chapter provides installation instructions and the basic configuration for the HP VSC. Topics in this chapter include:

HP VSC Installation Notes

HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on KVM

Emulated Disks Notes

Emulated Ethernet NIC Notes

HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on VMware

Installing HP VSC on ESXI Using OVA

HP VSC Basic Configuration

HP VSC Boot Options File Configuration

HP VSC System and Protocol Configuration

System-level HP VSC Configuration

In-band and Loopback IP Interfaces

Post-install Security Tasks

HP VSC Installation Notes

Part of the XML definition of the HP VSC virtual machine is to “pin” the virtual CPUs (vCPUs) to separate CPU cores on the hypervisor. These settings are required for stable operation of the HP VSC to ensure internal timers do not experience unacceptable levels of jitter.

Hyperthreading must be disabled to achieve the best use of the physical cores.

For the HP VSC hardware and software requirements, consult the current HP Distributed Cloud Networking Release Notes.

HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on KVM

This section describes the process of loading the HP VSC software onto the dedicated server. At the end of the procedure, the HP VSC image will be running on the server, and HP VSC prompts you to log in.

There are two types of deployment, with a single qcow2 disk or (legacy) with two qcow2 disks (see Emulated Disks Notes).

This installation procedure assumes:

The Linux server is a clean installation with a minimum of configuration and applications.

22 HP VSC Software Installation

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Contents HP Distributed Cloud Networking 3.0.R2 Installation Guide Warranty Table of Contents HP VRS and VRS-G Software Installation Documentation feedback Appendix Emulated Ethernet NIC Notes About This Guide AudienceHP DCN Overview and Infrastructure HP DCN OverviewHP Virtualized Services Directory HP DCN Installation Overview HP DCN Infrastructure Requirements and RecommendationsInstallation Setup Installation Types HP DCN Software InstallationHP VSD Installation Overview HP VSD Hardware and Software RequirementsInstallation Methods Reinstalling HP VSDSet Up Appliance VMs HP VSD Installation Using QCow2 ImageTo change the root password, on each node, run Connect to Appliance VMs Verify the appliance VMs are runningConfigure DNS Server Configure NetworkingPing the gateway in this example, ping Set up forward DNS records as follows Verify the DNS reverse named file records as followsConfigure NTP Server Install HP VSD using qcow2Set Up VM for ISO HP VSD Installation Using ISO Disc ImageInstall VSD on Node Install HP VSD Using ISO Configure Networking, DNS, and NTPExtract and Mount ISO Image Import Certificates on the Servers XmppIf you are using an Ldap store, see Using an Ldap Store Example of Load Balancer ConfigurationLdap Store HP VSC Installation Notes HP VSC Software InstallationHP VSC Software Installation Procedure on KVM For single disk deployment use Copy HP VSC disks for libvirt accessFor legacy two disk deployment use Emulated Disks Notes HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on VMware Emulated Ethernet NIC NotesInstalling HP VSC on Esxi Using OVA HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on VMware HP VSC Software Installation HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on VMware Update HP VSC configuration and reboot HP VSCHP VSC Basic Configuration HP VSC Boot Options File ConfigurationSistency file .ndx which will preserve system Dns‐domain dns‐name no dns‐domain To enable index persistence, the command is To check connectivityHP VSC System and Protocol Configuration System-level HP VSC ConfigurationNTP Servers and Time Zone In-band and Loopback IP Interfaces HP VSC Software Installation Post-install Security Tasks TCP Tftp VRS and VRS-G Installation Overview HP VRS and VRS-G Software InstallationPreparing the Hypervisor VRS on Rhel Installing the VRS or VRS-G SoftwareInstall dependencies for Rhel This section containsInstall the VRS package for Rhel If you have modified /etc/default/openvswitch, restartInstall the following packages using dpkg RebootInstall dependencies VRS on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Ubuntu 12.04 Cloud PackagesVRS-G on Rhel or Ubuntu Installing the VRS Kernel Module for Mpls over GRERestart the VRS service This section contains the following subsectionsReboot to pick up correct kernel Installing VRS Kernel Module On RhelInstall dependencies for Dkms To verify which kernel is currently runningTo customize, use scripts that you run after bootup Configuring and Running VRS or VRS-GInstalling VRS Kernel Module On Ubuntu Verify that the VRS processes restart correctlyIntroduction Creating the dVSwitchVMware VRS VM Deployment PrerequisitesVSwitch0 Verifying the Creation of the dVSwitchVSphere vSwitch Configurations VSwitch1Information Needed Deployment of dVRSVerifying Deployment Deployment of dVRS Additional VerificationVRS Installation on Citrix XenServer Clean Install on XenServerEnsue, with the following error Remove stock openvswitchInstall in the following order Introduction BlockReboot XenServer InstallationVerification Ensure that the xenmon to OVS socket is up Upgrade Existing dVRS Installation on XenServerGives hpManagedNetworks Uuid = HPNetUUID Ensure that all packages are installed Verify HPManagedNetwork is createdRoot 15072 0.0 0.0 4032 772 hvc0 + 1545 Active Contoller Running and Configuring VRSSpecifying the Active and Standby HP VSCs Standby ControllerVRS Installation on Citrix XenServer Support and Other Resources How to contact HPSoftware technical support and software updates Gather information before contacting an authorized supportRelated information Related information Support and Other Resources Documentation feedback Modify the eth0 configuration Appendix Emulated Ethernet NIC NotesEdit or create the br0 configuration