Restore all registry keys / Restore hardware registry keys [Windows only]
Controls whether/how Data Protector Express will restore the described objects. These setting only applies if you are restoring the Registry System State object.
Restore DFS/FRS shares as primary replica (authoritative restore) [Windows only]
Use this option to control how a DFS or FRS share is being restored. Only check it if you want an authoritative restore. See the Microsoft documentation for more information on authoritative restores.
NOTE: Data filters, such as security information and directory attributes, cannot restore data that was not originally backed up to the media. For example, if you did not select Volume restrictions for the backup job, Data Protector Express cannot restore this information because it was never stored on the media.
Advanced Verify Options
The following advanced options are available for Verify jobs
Eject media after use
When this option is checked, Data Protector Express automatically ejects the media at the end of the job. This feature only works on devices that support software eject.
Auto Retension
When this option is checked, Data Protector Express automatically
Native data streams format
When this option is selected, Data Protector Express will compare the data in native format. When unselected, only the data portion of the file will be verified. This must match the mode used during backup.
Enable snapshots [Windows only]
By default, the verify job creates a temporary snapshot before verifying the selected file. Deselect this checkbox to disable snapshots.
Reparse points [Windows only]
Check this option to verify the reparse point data. When this option is deselected, Data Protector Express will verify the object as a file or folder rather than as a reparse point.
Mount Points [Windows only]
When checked, Data Protector Express includes the mount point information in the restore. If this option is not checked, Data Protector Express will verify the object as a directory.
Volume restrictions [Windows only]
When enabled, volume quota information will be verified.
Log Options
These settings control how the results of the job are reported. See “Job Log options” for details.
Execution Options
These settings allow you to execute external programs before and after backing up objects on a client. For example, this feature can be used to shut down a custom database before backup and restart it upon completion. to ensure the files are quiescent during the backup. . See “Job
26 Configuring Restore and Verify Jobs