Archiving Setups
When this procedure is performed, all setups will then be stored in
It is recommended that you store your setups in
If you create additional setups or change existing setups and wish to protect them you must perform the archiving procedure again.
Prior to sending the ColorFlex to HunterLab for service, be sure to store your setups in
Error Messages
ColorFlex may display an error message to alert you that the instrument needs service. Refer to your ColorFlex User's Guide for an explanation of the various possible error messages.
Resetting the ColorFlex
On rare occasions, your ColorFlex may display unusual characters or otherwise act strangely. This is sometimes caused by power fluctuations. These problems can generally be corrected by resetting the unit. This is done by choosing “Reset Setups” from the ColorFlex menu, if possible, or by pressing three keys simultaneously:
Left Arrow key + Right Arrow key + Read key.
Hold these keys until the ColorFlex beeps, and then the RAM will be cleared and reset. If at all possible, use the “Reset Setups” menu command to reset the unit. The three key press method of resetting the unit should be reserved for those instances where the display is so scrambled as to be unusable.
Note: Resetting the RAM results in loss of all entered setups and product standards and returns setup parameters to their default values. If possible, you may want to archive your setups or print out your setup data prior to resetting the ColorFlex. This will facilitate recall or
07/02 | ColorFlex |