Operational states
Icon Description
Good. The device is operating normally.
Attention. The device is not operating normally and may fail. Or, the device is in a transitional state that is not one of its steady states.
Failed. The device has failed.
Unknown. The operational state of the device is unknown.
IMPORTANT: When an HP P6000 EVA storage system with
Storage system password
The storage system password is the password that other HP P6000 management software, such as a
Storage system password requirements:
•Must be
•Can include the letters A to Z, in upper or lower case
•Can include the numbers 0 to 9
•Can include the special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ,
•Cannot include the special characters: ~ \
•Cannot include spaces
Control Panel passwords
The Administrator password is the password that must be entered when logging in to the HP P6000 Control Panel as a storage administrator. Storage administrators can view information, change settings and perform actions.
The User password is the password that must be entered when logging in to the HP P6000 Control Panel as a user. Users can only view information and change the user login password.
IMPORTANT: If you change the password for the HP P6000 Control Panel administrator or user accounts, be sure to record the new passwords since they cannot be cleared without resetting the management module.
Private and public networks
Because HP P6000 EVA storage systems with
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) reserves the following IP address ranges for private internets:
Operational states 23