About this book | 7 |
Audience | 7 |
Downloading this book and updates from the web | 7 |
Downloading this book | 7 |
Related resources | 8 |
Technical assistance | 8 |
Within the US | 8 |
International | 9 |
Sending us comments | 9 |
Chapter 1: Introduction | 11 |
Avaya G350 Media Gateway Overview | 12 |
Avaya G250 Media Gateway Overview | 12 |
Features | 12 |
G250 physical description | 15 |
G350 physical description | 19 |
Chapter 2: Optional components | 23 |
Supported media modules in the G350 | 23 |
S8300 server | 24 |
Telephony media modules | 25 |
WAN media modules | 31 |
LAN media modules | 32 |
Media module slot configurations in the G350 | 34 |
Permitted slots | 34 |
Combination limitations in the G350 | 35 |
Supported media modules in the G250 | 35 |
Chapter 3: Summary of services | 37 |
Media gateway services | 37 |
Voice over IP (VoIP) | 37 |
Physical media — G350 | 38 |
Physical media — G250 | 39 |
Media Gateway Controllers | 40 |
Additional features | 44 |
LAN services | 45 |
Physical media | 45 |
Power over Ethernet (PoE) | 46 |
Issue 5 June 2008 3