YellowjacketPLUS™ is an 802.11b analysis system consisting of an HP iPAQ PocketPC® coupled with custom hardware and software by BVS. This system contains a variety of features to analyze 802.11b networks including spectrum analysis over all 14 channels (2.401 – 2.495 GHz), a list of AP’s and/or stations over all 14 channels,
The top angle shows the removable antenna connection, sty- lus, GPS antenna connection (optional), IrDA port and SD card slot. Always keep the IrDA port clean and clear of obstacles for data transmission.
Power up your YellowjacketPLUS by pushing power but- ton in upper right corner of unit. This power will automati- cally power up the YellowjacketPLUS receiver also. When you power down the iPAQ, (push the power button on the upper right
Your iPAQ can be reset using 2 different methods. If Yellowjacket software loses communications with Yellowjacket hardware, perform a soft reset with your stylus by pressing the reset button behind the battery door at the bottom of the unit. Perform a hard reset by holding in the two outer buttons for at least 10 seconds while performing a soft reset. Warning! Hard reset erases all RAM data from iPAQ so be sure to backup all data and
YellowjacketPLUS includes a 2.4 GHz antenna, 2 battery packs (10
1.Press the START button on the upper left hand side of the touch screen.
2.Click on the “iPAQ Wireless” folder.
3.Click on the “Wireless Control” program.
4.Click on “All wireless features OFF”. The icons for Bluetooth and WLAN will have red backgrounds when disabled.
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