When you attempt to migrate a parity group to a CLPR in another SLPR, an LU warning message is displayed.
When you attempt to migrate a CLPR to another SLPR or deleted that CLPR, an LU warning message is displayed.
When you attempt to migrate a port to another SLPR, an LU warning message is displayed.
When you attempt to migrate a parity group to another CLPR, an LU warning message is displayed.
When the port in an SLPR migrates to another SLPR, a warning message is displayed.
The SLPR name cannot be changed.
The CLPR name cannot be changed.
The parity group in a CLPR cannot migrate to another CLPR.
Corrective Action
•LUs in parity groups must remain within the same SLPR.
•LUs in parity groups must remain within the same SLPR.
LUs that are associated with a port in a particular SLPR must stay within that SLPR.
LUSE volumes cannot be set across more than one CLPR.
You are trying to allocate ports in a port block in High Speed mode to more than one SLPR. Check the port settings and make sure that all ports in the port block belong to the same SLPR.
You cannot assign the same name to more than one SLPR. The name you entered is already being used. Enter another name.
You cannot assign the same name to more than one CLPR. The name you entered is already being used or is reserved by a system. Enter another name.
•Make sure that all concatenated parity groups belong to the same CLPR.
•Make sure to click the Apply button when creating a new CLPR.
Calling HP Technical Support
If you need to call HP technical support, make sure to provide as much information about the problem as possible, including:
•The circumstances surrounding the error or failure
•The exact content of any error messages displayed on the host systems(s)
•The exact content of any error messages displayed by XP Remote Web Console
•The XP Remote Web Console configuration information (use the FD Dump Tool)
•The service information messages (SIMs), including reference codes and severity levels, displayed by XP Remote Web Console
For worldwide technical support information, see the HP support website:
36 Troubleshooting