HP Invent zx2000 manual Connecting devices, Power, keyboard and mouse

Page 13

Setting Up and Using Your System

connecting devices



power, keyboard and mouse


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ÅWARNING: For your safety always connect equipment to a grounded wall outlet. Always use a power cord with a properly grounded plug, such as the one provided with the equipment, or one in compliance with your national safety standards. To ensure that the equipment can be disconnected from the power by removing the power cord from the outlet, the equipment must be located close to an easily accessible power outlet.

Getting Started Guide


Image 13
Contents March Getting Started Guide#$%$%$%& $ Important Safety Warnings 123 Contents Regulatory Information Warranty StatementsIndex Setting up and using your system Front panel System descriptionRack-mounted system only Rear panel Tools Setting up your systemSetting Up and Using Your System Power, keyboard and mouse Connecting devicesGraphics cards Starting your system Starting and stopping your systemInitializing your software Turning off your system 9K4#4? Installing hardware componentsSetting Up and Using Your System Firmware and drivers Extensible firmware interface efi Configuring your systemEnter Remote access491 Using the efi shellFsx ?9/1 49H Option Function Using the boot option maintenance menuUsing the security/password menu Baseboard management controller bmc Troubleshooting Your system does not start properly System doesn’t power onThere is a buzzing noise Keyboard problems You find a hardware problemKeyboard doesn’t work Mouse doesn’t work Mouse problemsMonitor doesn’t work Graphics and monitor problemsPower and system LEDs Troubleshooting with the system LEDsPower LED System LED State Activity LEDLocator LED and button rack-mounted systems only Diagnostic LEDsLocation Color State Lan LEDs back panelNumber Beeps Component Description Troubleshooting with the e-buzzer0541 Hp e-diagtools hardware diagnostics Software diagnostics tools6K6I6 Starting hp e-diagtoolsRun e-DiagTools Basic System Test BST Producing a support ticketAdditional diagnostics tools for hp-ux Recovering the OS Information to collect before you contact support Where to get helpOnline support Phone support Additional documentation Regulatory Information +,,-./0 Safety warning for the usa and canada CCV Noise declaration for germany Regulatory Information Hardware and software warranties Warranty limitations544&40*AA5%46@3A5*AA*%4*@5I4 Limitation of liability and remedies @A454*A459 Obtaining Parts Warranty Service Hp telephone support services Software limited warrantyContacting hp for warranty service Supplemental warranty and service supportWarranty Statements Index #78878