Monitoring and managing devices
Introduction to monitoring and managing devices
HP provides many tools for managing your IO Accelerator devices. These tools allow you to monitor the devices for errors, warnings, and potential problems. They also allow you to manage the devices, including performing the following functions:
•Firmware upgrades
•Attach and detach actions
•Device status and performance information
•Configuring Swap and Paging
•Generating bug reports
Management tools
HP has provided tools for monitoring and managing IO Accelerator devices. These include
Consider the descriptions of each tool to decide which tool (or combination of tools) best fits your needs.
About error messages
The IO Accelerator VSL software prints some error messages to the system logs. While these messages are useful for troubleshooting purposes, the VSL log messages are not designed for continual monitoring purposes (as each is based on a variety of factors that could produce different log messages depending on environment and use case). For best results, use the tools described in this section to regularly monitor your devices.
This tool is available as a separate download. For more information, see the IO Accelerator release notes.
SNMP Subagent: The SNMP AgentX subagent allows you to monitor and manage your ioMemory devices using the Simple Network Management Protocol. You can use a normal SNMP browser or customize your existing application to interface with the subagent.
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