Configuring DNS
•Names of any servers included in the configuration, if entered as names as opposed to addresses
•Names of any clients from which administration via the CLI or the GUI will be performed
•Names of any TFTP servers that will be used to send or retrieve configuration files
Adding and Deleting Host Entries
The CLI command, config sys hosts info lists the contents of the hosts file.
1.To add a host, type this command:
HP SA8220/config/sys/hosts#add <IP address> ’alias’ <hostname> {’alias1’ <hostname> {’alias2’ <hostname> {’alias3’ <hostname> {’alias4’ <hostname> {’alias5’ <hostname> {’alias6’ <hostname> }}}}}}
For example:
HP SA8220/config/sys/hosts#add alias server13 alias2
Host ip ‘’ added to host file.
The SA8220 is now able to access other devices on the network by name, either through the local static name table or through DNS.
2.To delete a host, type this command:
HP SA8220/config/sys/hosts#delete <IP
For more information on these commands, see Chapter 5 in the User Guide.