Message | Possible Cause | Solution |
Cannot Connect | The camera is set | Change the USB |
To Product | to the Digital | Configuration setting to Disk |
(continued) | Camera setting in | Drive in the Setup Menu (see |
| the USB | page 90.) This allows the |
| Configuration sub- | camera to appear as |
| menu of the Setup | another disk drive on the |
| Menu, but the | computer so that you can |
| computer cannot | easily copy the image files |
| recognize the | from the camera to the |
| camera as a | computer hard drive. |
| digital camera. |
| The camera is | Connect the camera directly |
| connected to the | to a USB port on the |
| computer through | computer. |
| a USB hub, and |
| your USB hub is |
| not compatible |
| with the camera. |
| You are using the | Press the Save/Print |
| optional | button on the |
| HP Photosmart | dock. |
| |
| forgot to press the |
| Save/Print |
| button. |
| The optional | With the camera turned off, |
| memory card that | remove the memory card |
| is installed is | and switch the locking tab |
| locked. | on the card to the unlocked |
| position. |
| The USB | Reboot the computer. |
| connection failed. |