Message | Possible Cause | Solution |
NOT ENOUGH | The light is low | Add light to the scene. |
LIGHT FOR FAST | and the image is | (Flash is set to Flash Off in |
SHOT | likely to be noisy | Fast Shot mode.) |
| due to the small |
| aperture setting |
| used in Fast Shot |
| mode. |
| The light is low | Use the flash (see |
| and the image is | page 40), set the camera |
(camera shake | likely to be blurry | on a stable surface, or use |
warning) | due to the long | a tripod. |
| exposure |
| required. |
ERROR SAVING | The optional | • Always wait until the |
IMAGE | memory card that | Memory light stops |
or | is installed was | blinking before |
ERROR SAVING | removing the memory | |
VIDEO | was removed | card from the camera. |
| before the | • With the camera |
| camera finished | turned off, remove the |
| writing to the | memory card and |
| card. | check to see if the |
| locking tab on the |
| edge of the card is fully |
| in the unlocked |
| position. |