HP a308d (ap) manual 保固和授權資訊, 致尊貴的客戶

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恭喜您決定購買 HP Pavilion 家用電腦!HP Pavilion 在 開發過程中必須通過全面的品質測試,以符合 HP 以品質 及可靠度著稱的嚴格標準。

在出廠前,所有 HP Pavilion 都會通過全面的品質測試, 以確保電腦運作正常。此外,我們還在您的電腦上加貼安 全封條,以表示電腦出廠後未受到任何的損害。

我們深知客戶最重視的權益是擴充和升級。擴充性及升級 能力是 HP Pavilion 引以為傲、有別於其他產品之處。我 們也了解您希望將電腦升級,以符合個人的特殊需求。

您應該在完成 HP Pavilion 電腦的安裝後,再進行任何硬 體的升級;請參照系統隨附的安裝海報以協助您進行安 裝。若您在安裝及啟動系統時遇到任何問題,請立刻打電 話到《保固及支援手冊》一開始所列出的「HP 顧客貼心 服務」,HP 的服務人員會協助您解決所遭遇的問題。您必 須在試圖升級您的系統前,完成此項動作。

撕開 HP Pavilion 背面安全封條的動作,代表您確認電腦 在您試圖升級前的運作是正常的。安全封條撕開之後,您

HP Pavilion(在當地法律許可的範圍下)將會受到以 下幾頁的條款與條件之保障。

感謝您選購 HP Pavilion,希望您能在探索這部電腦所有 功能的過程中找到樂趣!

HP 顧客貼心服務

取得容易、使用容易。曾獲獎項肯定的「HP 顧客貼心 服務」是我們協助您充分利用 HP Pavilion 的承諾。無論 是透過電腦上的工具、網路上的資訊、電話還是您當地的 經銷商,您都可以得到滿意的結果。

有問題嗎?HP 會幫您解決

您新的 HP Pavilion 電腦已經準備就緒,將供您現在和未 來的若干年使用。但它仍是一台複雜、功能強大的機器, 有時也會發生故障。如果您的電腦發生故障,HP 會隨時 提供協助。


遵循安裝海報及《使用手冊》中關於設定及使用電腦的 說明。


您最好能將電腦註冊;如此在您有問題時才能較快獲得協 助。您可以利用第一次電腦開機時自動啟動的電子註冊程 式來註冊您的電腦,或者您也可以上網註冊,網址為: http://www.hp.com/hk/register



HP Pavilion 中包含許多有用的資訊。首先看看在 Windows® 桌面上的 [說明及支援](請按一下工作列的 [開始] 便可找到),它包含許多詳細的說明,並提供排除 電腦故障的建議。

在「說明及支援中心」之中,您可以從 HP 獲得與您電腦 有關的「最新消息」。也請您務必看看 HP 不定期傳送至您 桌面的更新消息。

接下來,不妨上網逛逛!HP 網站有更新的軟體、提示和 技巧、一般問題解答以及其他資訊。請到本文件一開始所 列出的「HP 支援網站」搜尋您的 HP Pavilion 型號。

打電話到「HP 顧客貼心服務」

最後,如果這些步驟都沒有幫助,您可以打電話到當地的 「HP 顧客貼心服務」,即可獲得專業的服務。自購買本電 腦之日起三十天內,您可免費獲得電話諮詢協助,使您順 暢地操作電腦。超過三十天後這項服務便須收費,但您仍 可獲得其他令人滿意的服務。


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Contents 保固及支援手冊 Page 哪裡可取得協助 HP 註冊網站: 軟體支援保固和授權資訊 致尊貴的客戶法律事項 如果需要:進行維修軟體媒體 CD 授權合約 禁止反向組譯合格聲明 作業規格安全及法規資訊 符合能源之星 Energy Star鋰電池警告事項 AC 電源安全警告雷射安全聲明 電視天線連接的保護措施 電視外部天線接地Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P
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a308d (ap) specifications

The HP A308d (AP) is a robust entry-level desktop printer designed to meet the demands of small to medium-sized businesses and home offices. This printer blends performance with efficiency, offering a range of features and technologies tailored to facilitate high-quality printing while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

One of the standout features of the HP A308d is its impressive print speed. With the ability to produce up to 30 pages per minute, it ensures that users can handle large volumes of printing tasks swiftly, minimizing wait times and improving overall productivity. The printer employs HP’s advanced laser technology, delivering sharp, crisp text and vibrant graphics that cater to both professional and personal use.

The HP A308d also supports various media types and sizes, allowing users to print everything from standard letter-sized documents to labels and envelopes. This flexibility is crucial for businesses that require diverse printing capabilities without needing multiple devices. Additionally, the printer is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows and macOS, making it easy to integrate into existing workflows.

Connectivity options are another highlight of the HP A308d. It offers USB connectivity for direct printing from computers, ensuring a straightforward setup. Furthermore, many models support wireless printing capabilities, allowing users to print documents directly from their mobile devices or laptops via Wi-Fi. This feature enhances accessibility and convenience in today’s mobile-focused work environments.

In terms of durability and design, the HP A308d is built to withstand the rigors of daily use. Its compact design makes it suitable for small office spaces, while the robust construction ensures a long service life. The printer is also energy-efficient, compliant with ENERGY STAR standards, which helps businesses reduce their environmental impact while saving on energy costs.

User-friendly features extend to the printer's control panel, which is designed for easy navigation and operation. It includes intuitive buttons and indicators that simplify the printing process, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.

Furthermore, the HP A308d incorporates HP’s innovative security features, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected during printing tasks. With the rise of cyber threats, having a secure printing solution is vital for any business.

Overall, the HP A308d (AP) stands out as a reliable, efficient, and versatile printer that meets the diverse needs of modern printing environments, making it an excellent choice for users seeking quality and performance without compromising on cost effectiveness.