4Select Configure tuners, TV signal, and Guide, and then click Next.
5Follow the onscreen instructions. After performing the Scan for Stations step, the wizard displays all the TV stations that the selected tuner is able to receive.
6If the list does not contain stations that you want to view, click Back until you return to the Select Your TV Signal Type window and select the other tuner setting (analog if you selected digital first, or digital if you selected analog).
7Complete the configuration steps until the list of stations for the new tuner type displays in the Scan for Stations window.
If you are satisfied with the stations that are listed, click Next and complete the configuration by following the onscreen instructions.
If you are not satisfied with the stations that are listed, return to step 6 and change back to the original tuner.
Changing the tuner settings
Complete the following procedure to reconfigure the computer if you move it to another country/region, or change the type of TV signals that you receive (cable, satellite, or antenna):
1Click the Windows Start Button on the taskbar, and then click Windows Media Center.