York DM 048, DM072, DM 060, DM 036 warranty FIELD-INSTALLED Accessories

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COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not a hail guard kit.

STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER - For applica- tions in corrosive environments, this option provides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.

PHASE MONITORS - Designed to prevent unit damage. The phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of- phase condition.

DIRTY FILTER SWITCH - This kit includes a differential pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high pressure drop across the filters. Factory installed option or field installed accessory.

HINGED FILTER DOOR/“TOOLLESS” BLOWER AND ACCESS PANELS (not hinged) - This option allows for easy access and maintenance.

NOTE:Knobs are shipped inside the unit to prevent ship- ping damage. These must be field installed for tool-less operation.


SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO- MIZERS - Includes a slide-in /plug-in damper assembly with fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa- ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal 1% leakage type dampers.

The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitors the outdoor air and determines when the air is cool enough and dry enough to provide free cooling.

The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field-assembled before installing.

MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER - Includes a slide-in /plug-in damper assembly with a 2- position, spring return motor actuator which opens to some pre-set position whenever the supply air blower is operating and will drive fully closed when the blower unit shuts down.

The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field assembled before installing.

ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup- ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro- vided with limit and automatic reset capability to prevent operation at excessive temperatures.

ROOF CURBS - Eight and fourteen-inch high roof curbs provide a water-tight seal between the unit and the fin- ished roof. These full perimeter curbs meet the require- ments of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and are shipped knocked-down for field assem- bly.


Roof curbs are designed to fit inside the base rails of the unit and include both a wood nailing strip and duct hanger supports.

HIGH ALTITUDE NATURAL GAS - Burner orifices and pilot orifices are provided for proper furnace operation at altitudes up to 6,000 feet.

PROPANE - Burner orifices, pilot orifices and gas valve parts are provided to convert a natural gas furnace to propane.

HIGH ALTITUDE PROPANE - Burner orifices and pilot orifices are provided for proper furnace operation at alti- tudes up to 6,000 feet. This accessory supplements the basic propane conversion kit.

LOW NOX KIT- Required to reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides below 40 nanograms per joule.

POWER EXHAUST - Our single input economizer options are available with power exhaust. Whenever the outdoor air intake dampers are opened for free cooling, the exhaust fan will be energized to prevent the condi- tioned space from being over-pressurized during econo- mizer operation.

The power exhaust option can only be used on bot- tom duct configurations.

BAROMETRIC RELIEF DAMPER - This damper acces- sory can be used to relieve internal building air pressure on units with an economizer without power exhaust. This accessory includes a rain hood, a bird screen and a fully assembled damper. With bottom duct connections, the damper should be mounted over the opening in the return air panel. With horizontal ductwork, the accessory should be mounted on the return air duct.

ENTHALPY ACCESSORY CONTROL KIT - This kit contains the required components to convert a single enthalpy economizer to dual enthalpy.

BURGLAR BARS - Mount in the supply and return openings to prevent entry into the duct work.

FLUE EXHAUST EXTENSION KIT - In locations with wind or weather conditions which may interfere with proper exhausting of furnace combustion products, this kit can be installed to prevent the flue exhaust from entering nearby fresh air intakes.

CO2 SENSOR - Senses CO2 levels and automatically overrides the economizer when levels rise above the present limits.

COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not a hail guard kit.


Unitary Products Group

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Contents Simplicity DescriptionTable of Contents Ton Sunline Model Number Nomenclature 048 N04 Product NomenclatureProduct Nomenclature Panels Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor Technicoat Condenser Coil & Dirty Filter Switch Features SimplicityFACTORY-INSTALLED Options Unit CutawayFIELD-INSTALLED Accessories Capacity Ratings ARI 210/2401 Sound Power RATING1GAS Heat RATINGS1 DM036 Cooling Capacities 3 TON DM048 Cooling Capacities 4 TON DM060 Cooling Capacities 5 TON DM072 Cooling Capacities 6 TON 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 Belt Drive Blower Motor and Drive Data MEDStatic Resistances Electric Heater CFM LimitationsRLA LRA FLA RLA LRA 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 036-21502-002-A-0303 Physical Data Voltage LIMITATIONS1Typical Power Wiring Typical Control WiringUnit Dimensions 3 6 TON COOLING/GAS Heat Front View Unit with Economizer Rainhood Unit Dimensions Rear View Minimum ClearancesTypical Applications DM 6 Point Loads Weight Distribution Center of GravityOperating Weights LBS Roof Curb DimensionsGeneral Guide SpecificationsDescription Unit Controls Manual Outdoor AIR Damper