HP SAN Array 1000 MUL TI-MODE Fibre Channel Cables Kits, Cable Type, Available Cable Lengths

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hp StorageWorks

QuickSpecsmodular SAN array 1000 specific for Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS only

Technical Specifications


Cable Type

LC-LC (2 Gb to 2 Gb connections) and LC-SC (2 Gb to 1 Gb connections) 50 Micron multi-mode fibre

Available Cable Lengths

6.5 ft, 16.4 ft, and 49.2 ft/2 m, 5 m, and 15 m


Dimensions (L x W x D)

11.5 x 9 x 1.5 in/29.2 x 22.8 x 3.8 cm



Gross 0.75 to 1 lb/0.34 to 0.45 kg

© 2003 Compaq Canada Corp. (an HP Company) All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.

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Canada — Version 2 — April 15, 2003


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Contents Overview MSA1000 Highlights ConfigurationHigh Levels of Performance Scalability, and FunctionalityUnix ModelsMSA1000 Components Software Components Service & Support, CarePaq and Warranty Information Sample part numbers CarePaq InformationIncludes Configuration InformationST E P 1 Order Required Items Select Optional NON -REDUNDANT MSA 1000 System Options Choose Redun Dant MSA 1000 System Options Extended fabric for HP StorageWorks 2/64 Gb Fibre Channel Fabric Infrastructure family of switchesGb Fibre Channel Transceiver 2 Gb SFP SW Transceiver Kit Gb Fibre Channel HBAs Fibre Channel Cables for 1 Gb Fabric Switches and HubFibre Channel Cables for 2 Gb Infrastructure Hard DrivesStorageWorks Enclosures Choose Rack OptionsConfiguration Examples Modular SAN Array Technical SpecificationsModular SAN Array Fibre Channel I/O Module Modular SAN Array 1000 ControllerAvailable Cable Lengths MUL TI-MODE Fibre Channel Cables KitsCable Type