What Options and Accessories does the iPAQ Music Center Support?
Your Music Center currently supports the following:
USB Keyboards:
•Compaq USB Keyboard Part #
•Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro # RT9441
Wireless Keyboards:
•Logitech Cordless Freedom iTouch
•Logitech Cordless Keyboard
CD Changers:
•Sony MegaStorage 200/300/400 CD Changers with
Portable Music Players:
•Compaq Personal Audio Player
•Rio 600 Digital Audio Player
USB to Ethernet Dongles:
•Compaq iPAQ Networking
•LinkSys USB100TX
•Belkin F5D5050
•CATC Netmate
Ethernet Routers:
•Linksys BEFSR41
HPNA to Ethernet Bridges:
•Netgear PE102
•Linksys HPES03
USB to HPNA Connectivity:
•Linksys USB200HA