HP Connection Point 2W manual Delete a MAC Filter

Page 38


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Delete a MAC Filter






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Image 38
Contents Page Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimer Contents ++0&+ Introduction Features and Benefits802.11b Wireless Networking Share a Single High-Speed Internet ConnectionEthernet Networking Security and Advanced ManagementWhats in the Box? What Else Do I Need?04+ Whats in Front? Description SignificanceWhats in Back? Description FunctionInstallation and Configuration InstallationConnecting to Your PC Powering Up Client PC Configuration $B$,$Configuring Windows 98 and ME Clients 22!$B$$++ $!++ Internet Connection Logging++5,,,&$ Dynamic Internet IP Configuring Static Internet IP Static Internet IPPPPoE Ssid Installing the Firmware Update Utility Registering the Connection Point CP-2WEthernet PCs Wireless PCsAdding PCs to Your Network Windows 2000 Configuration 20!&+ 20!$++ $62!$B$7$++ 20!$++ 20!&+ Windows NT4.0 Configuration 22!$B$$++ # .,$!+ Wired Equivalent Privacy WEP Network SecurityAccessing Security Configuration Options Media Access Control MAC $!+ Enable MAC Filtering Add a MAC Filter Modify a MAC Filter Delete a MAC Filter System Information General InformationLAN Status Internet StatusWireless Statistics Network Information Event Log Advanced Configuration System SettingsResetting to Factory Default LAN Configuration Changing the Subnet Internet Configuration Dynamic IPStatic IP Changing Static IP Settings $$$$ Changing PPPoE Settings DMZ Virtual ServerAdding a Virtual Server Packet Filtering Enabling or Disabling Packet Filtering Adding an IP Rule 20$.++ Adding Port Rules +,++ Dhcp Reserved IP Table Adding a Reserved IP Address$2++ 20.5$++ Excluded IP Addresses @ 2$2++ 20$0++ ?,,++ $!$/ ++ Bootp IP Table Adding a Bootp IP Address2EE2$$2++ 20EE2$$++ Static Routing Table 20&.2++ +?+ +$,5 ?,$ 002+ +?0 $!$/ ++ 05&+ Access Point and Internet Router Configuration Configuring as an Access Point20$&+$+ Changing From Access Point Back to Internet Router $!$ ?,+ $!,!$!$ $!$/ ++ # ! 1!$!$ 05&+ +!$!$ ? +++$,,+,6+ ?-8M+ %%%27? $!$/ 1$ ++ ++5 System Update and Recovery 205&+++ Using the Firmware Update Utility +,5,4 Restore Factory Defaults Troubleshooting SolutionNetwork cables ISP service is Cannot see Regulatory Compliance Federal Communications Commission Notice25+$!!.E+ A675 ?6 75+ ?,+ Appendix a Specifications NATUser Guide Glossary User Guide Ipaq Connection Point CP-2W User Guide Ipaq Connection Point CP-2W User Guide Ipaq Connection Point CP-2W
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