HP ACC2 Aurora manual Imagenorth

Page 21





#Usually the computer access the GPS via the COM2: port

#This might be named with another port number.

#For the Unis/UiO camera no 1 COM4: is used, (ACC_GPS_PORT 4).

#For the Unis/UiO camera no 2 COM2: is used, (ACC_GPS_PORT 2).



#---------- THIS IS FOR THE IMAGE COMMENTS ------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------



# This information is for the StationInfoStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


# Camera number:

# Unis/UiO camera no 1 (i.e. Longyearbyen) : 1

# Unis/UiO camera no 2 (i.e. Ny Aalesund) : 2



# station name ("lyr", "nya", "dmh") , lower case in image comments

# the length of the station name has to be 3 characters

# The station letter is one letter which will be added

# at the end of the file names (when long file names are used) STATION_NAME nya



# station geographic latitude, geographic longitude and altitude

# in meters above sea level STATION_LAT 78.92 STATION_LON 11.95 STATION_ALT 25.00





# This information is for the CameraSetupStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


# rows and columns in image IMAGE_MAX_ROWS 513 IMAGE_MAX_COLUMNS 512


#zenith location in image (origo is left lower corner) IMAGE_X1 256

IMAGE_Y1 256

#horizontal radius of the image ellipse


#vertical radius of the image ellipse IMAGE_B 300

#angle in degrees from image y-axis to geographic north

#(positive is counter clockwise)




# end of file

Image 21
Contents ACC2 Jan 15 UpdatesTable of Content Precautions Now if the run file, the timer file and the sequence file Starting the CameraACC window Press OpenCom This settings Is useful settingsTo disk. Image.ACC window Press the Stop button and the Exit button Stopping the CameraOverview of the ACC Program GarminVia VisualBasicACC2-- PMISmacros-- SMARTMTRNorway.prg ACC2 Control Files Timer fileRun file RUN filenameYyyy-mm-dd hhmmss Sequence file$$ f$ e$$$ g$ s$ u$ c$ Intensifier gain Exposure timeRun file Or the GarminS0 u1 Sequence file will not workAs this example Image File Names Page D1997-12-07145129W557.7nmF2G0E230 Image FormatUpper case letters a Z are used as identifiers Denotes date Denotes Wavelength W557.7nmCopying Images to a Network Disk Settings in the configuration file see below must then bePage # #### ##### # ## # # # # # # Configuration FileAccnetimageallow Imagenorth This backup last for approximate 1 hour / GB Saving Data AT DAT Storage MediaThis is for the Unis/UiO camera no 1 Longyearbyen Afdisk Saving Data AT Pinnacle Apex 2 X 2GB Optical DiskUse ν Verify backup Colorado Backup window press on the C in the leftThis is for the Unis/UiO camera no 2 Ny Ålesund Tools-Format Tape ,…Page Automatic Update of PC Clock Connector for 12VC from the ACTxD, RxD GND connector White GPS 12XL Camera SetupPage Focusing Acquire-expose-1000 acquire-focus Possible Errors