HP 5992-3193 Known Issues, Unaligned Access Messages, Superfluous PAM Authentication Message

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C Known Issues

This appendix contains known issues with the HP Insight Foundation Suite for Integrity with Linux product, which undergoes rigorous testing before each release. From HP test activities to date, the following items have been uncovered that you should keep in mind.

HP Insight Management WBEM Providers on Pegasus cimserver Supports Multi-Process Mode Only

HP Insight Management WBEM providers running on Pegasus cimserver (RHEL5, SLES10) only support running in multi-process mode. HP Insight Management WBEM Providers will not currently support running in a single process on the Pegasus cimserver.

To ensure your providers are running in a Pegasus multi-process configuration, perform the following steps as the root user:

1.Verify that the cimserver is running to retrieve configuration values by entering:

#/etc/init.d/tog-pegasus start

2.Verify that forceProviderProcess is set to true by entering:

#cimconfig -g forceProviderProcesses

This command should return Current value: true.

3.Based on the value returned in Step 2, perform one of the following steps.

If the command returns Current value: false, reset the value by entering:

#cimconfig -p -s forceProviderProcesses=true

If the command returns Current value: true, reset the Pegasus cimserver to allow the new setting to take affect by entering:

#/etc/init.d/tog-pegasus restart

Unaligned Access Messages

Due to the current alignment boundaries of certain data structures on Integrity servers, customers may see infrequent messages in the system event log with the format sfcbd unaligned access. This should only occur during WBEM Provider initialization and does not represent any loss of data integrity or functionality.

Superfluous PAM Authentication Message

The release currently shipping for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11) has a verbose sfcb default configuration setting for all PAM authenticated actions. This setting results in a superfluous message of the following form:

pam_succeed_if(sfcb:auth): requirement "user ingroup sfcb" was met by the root user.

This message appears in /var/log/messages reporting for each successful PAM authentication during WBEM requests. An enhancement request has been filed with SuSE as well as SFCB maintainers and will be resolved by the next distribution release.

If the messages become an issue, use the workaround that follows until this is resolved. The PAM logging setting for sfcb can be changed by using the following steps:

1.Shutdown SFCB by running the following as root user:

# /etc/init.d/sfcb stop

2.Edit the /etc/pam.d.sfcb config file by making the following edit:

Replace the line



pam_succeed_if.so user ingroup sfcb

HP Insight Management WBEM Providers on Pegasus cimserver Supports Multi-Process Mode Only 55

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