HP LU 6.2 API provides
•Support for Major Languages: Application programs on the HP 3000 can be written in COBOL II, Transact, or Pascal. For LU 6.2 API/iX, C language applications are also supported.
•Support for IBM Applications: HP LU
6.2API supports Mapped Conversations with CICS in an MVS or DOS/VSE environ- ment and Mapped Conversations with VTAM in an MVS environment. With MPE/iX Release 4.0 or later, HP LU 6.2 API/iX supports Mapped Conversations in an OS/400 environment.
•Multiple Sessions: An HP 3000 applica- tion program using LU 6.2 API/V intrinsics may have up to 8
•Parallel Sessions: With MPE/iX Release
4.0or later, LU 6.2 API/iX provides support for parallel sessions over Node Type 2.1. An HP 3000 may establish multiple, simultane- ous
•Support for Remote Attach: Remote Attach is the ability of a remote LU 6.2 application to start running and begin com- munication with it.
•Compatibility with Other SNA Services: The HP LU 6.2 API is completely compatible with other SNA services offered
for the HP 3000. These HP SNA products may all be running simultaneously over the same SNA Link/V, SNA/SDLC Link/iX, SNA/Token Ring Link/iX* or SNA/X.25 Link/iX to the SNA network. The SNA Link products manage the physical link to the IBM host and implement protocols in the lower three layers of SNA.
Note: HP LU 6.2 API/iX supports Native- mode HP 3000 applications only.
•Trace Facility: An
•Logging Facility: A comprehensive logging facility that records all online LU 6.2 API session messages to aid in problem identifi- cation and resolution.
•User Controlled Sessions Management from Program or CI (CNOS): With MPE/iX Release 5.5 Express 7 or later, or MPE/iX Release 6.0 Express 1 or later, Programmatic or interactive
•Enhanced Communication Rates: The maximum datacomm line speed between the HP 3000 and the IBM mainframe host is 56 KB/s on MPE V and 16 MB/s on MPE/iX.
•Efficient and
•As with all HP SNA services, customized error and help facilities are provided.
•X.25 Connectivity: HP LU 6.2 API/iX can communicate to an IBM mainframe over an X.25 connection. The SNA/X.25 Link/iX product (HP 30298A) can be used in place of SNA/SDLC Link/iX, or SNA/Token Ring Link/iX* but SNA/X.25 Link/iX emulates a Type 2.0 node, not a Type 2.1 node. Therefore if you run LU 6.2 API/iX over SNA/X.25 Link/iX, you cannot communicate,
*SNA/Token Ring Link/iX requires MPE/iX release 5.0 or later.
HP 3000