•SNA IMF/iX does not support the numeric lock feature.
•Pass Thru mode does not support slave printers (printers attached to terminals).
Functional Specifications
•SNA IMF/iX emulates the base function set of the IBM 3274 terminal controller; the base set does not include color, graphics, programmed symbols, or extended high- lights.
•SNA IMF/iX supports communications to an IBM System/370 (or compatible) mainframe running either the MVS/SP, MVS/XA, DOS/VSE, or VM operating systems with ACF/VTAM through an IBM 37xx communi- cations processor running ACF/NCP.
•SNA IMF/iX supports communications with an IBM S/36 running SSP or an IBM/38 run- ning CPF or an IBM AS/400 running OS/400.
•The SNA Link/iX product supports Physical Unit Type 2 or 2.1 protocols; SNA IMF/iX provides Logical Unit Type 1,2, and 3 emula- tion over the link. The SNA Link/iX or SNA/Token Ring Link/iX can support inter- active (SNA IMF/iX and SNA DHCF/iX), batch (SNA NRJE/iX), and programmatic (LU6.2 API/iX) communications simultane- ously over a single link to an IBM host.
•In Pass Thru mode, SNA IMF/iX emulates the IBM
•SNA IMF/iX supports up to 127 devices (ter- minals, printers, or application programs) concurrently per SNA link with MPE/iX Release 4.0 or later.
•The HP 700/94 terminal is recommended for use with SNA IMF/iX in Pass Thru mode as it offers the greatest performance and func- tionality. SNA IMF/iX also supports null suppression mode on HP 700/94 terminals which result in further performance improvements.
•The following terminals support Modified Data Tags and, consequently, provide a 10-
50% performance improvement in Pass Thru mode and greater functionality over other terminals.
–HP 700/96
–HP Vectra
–PC with Reflection 7 PLUS Version 3.3 (or later)
•In Pass Thru mode,
•The following terminals are supported with HP 3000 MPE/iX systems in Pass Thru mode via the DTC attachment.
–HP 700/92
–HP Vectra PC with Advance Link 2392
–HP Vectra PC Reflection 7 PLUS, Version 3.3 (or later)
•SNA IMF/iX supports the write optimized feature for improved performance in Pass Thru mode with the following terminals:
–HP 700/92
•With the HP X.25/iX Network Link (36939B) and NS 3000/iX Network Services (36920B), SNA IMF/iX supports these terminals when they are directly attached to an HP 2334A Plus or HP 2335 PAD.
This feature is supported on SNA IMF/iX or SNA IMF/V (30247A) only and is NOT supported on the IMF/V (30250A) product. Other Pass
•The HP 700/94, HP 2394A, HP 150, HP 700/92, and HP 2392A terminals support a 19.2 KB/s connection to the HP 3000.
•The following terminals support multiple levels of “rolling softkeys” allowing up to 96
– HP 700/94
– HP 2394A
•SNA IMF/iX supports any HP system printer.
HP 3000