applications via intrinsics. The customer’s application program decides which intrinsics to call. In Pass Thru mode, an
SNA IMF/iX requires the installation and use of SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30291B), SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2167B)* or SNA/X.25 Link/iX (36939B). The SNA Link products manage the physical link to the host and implement protocols in the lower three layers of SNA.
*SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2167B) requires MPE/iX release 5.5 Express 7 or later, or MPE/iX release 6.0 Express 1 or later.
Asian options also supported include:
•HP Asian Vectra PCs
•HP Asian Terminals
•HP Asian Printers
•Asian IBM environments
Functional Description
SNA IMF/iX is a software product that allows an HP 3000 and attached devices to emulate the base function set of an IBM 3274 control unit and attached devices, which does not include graphics, programmed symbols, color, or extended highlighting.
SNA IMF/iX requires SNA/SDLC Link/iX, SNA/Token Ring Link/iX or SNA/X.25 Link/iX. These links manage the communications link and implement
In the programmatic mode,
Features (continued)
¥SNA IMF/iX allows programs on an HP 3000 to communicate with programs o the host system, through a set of
¥Most host application programs designed to work with IBM 3270 terminals can usually be used with minimal change.
¥SNA IMF/iX runs concurrently with other HP 3000 applications and can be accessed from other systems via HPÕs Network Services.
¥SNA IMF/iX supports HPÕs Native Languages Support (NLS
¥SNA IMF/iX supports IBM applications with 480, 1920, or 3440 character screen sizes.
¥For Asian options only:
ÐSNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) supports IBMÕs DBCS protocol to ensure 16- bit data integrity communication between the HP 3000 and the Asian host.
ÐSNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) allows both
ÐSNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) provides 16- bit character mapping between the HP
ÐSNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) supports languages such as Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.
HP 3000