Warranty, Regulatory, and Contact Information
Customer Care
In addition to the one year hardware warranty your HP calculator also comes with one year of technical support. If you need assistance, HP customer care can be reached by either email or telephone. Before calling please locate the call center nearest you from the list below. Have your proof of purchase and calculator serial number ready when you call.
Telephone numbers are subject to change, and local and national telephone rates may apply. For more support information, please visit the web at: www.hp.com/support.
Contact Information
Country/Region | Contact |
Africa (English) | www.hp.com/support |
Afrique (français) | www.hp.com/support |
Argentina | |
Australia | |
Belgique (français) | 02 620 00 85 |
Belgium (English) | 02 620 00 86 |
Bolivia | |
Brasil | |
Canada | |
Caribbean | |
Česká republikaik | 296 335 612 |
Chile | |
China 中国 | |
Colombia | |
Costa Rica | |
Denmark | 82 33 28 44 |
Deutschland | 069 9530 7103 |
Ecuador | |
El Salvador | |
España | 913753382 |
France | 01 4993 9006 |