When installing into a masonry fireplace, DO NOT remove any bricks or masonry, with the following exception: masonry or steel, including the damper plate, may be removed from the smoke shelf and adjacent damper frame, if necessary, to accom- modate a chimney liner. Do this only if their re- moval will not weaken the structure of the fire- place or the chimney, and will not reduce protec- tion for combustibles to less than that required by national building codes.
Installation must include a chimney liner (3” or 4” Pell Vent “PL” Piping) that extends the full height of the chimney and meets type HT requirements. The liner must be securely attached to the insert and the chimney top. The chimney must be sealed either at the top or at the damper area with a
Outside combustion air may be drawn through the chimney top or through an existing ash cleanout.
When installing into a zero clearance fireplace, The firebox must accept the insert without modifi- cation other than removing bolted or screwed to- gether pieces such as smoke shelf/deflectors, ash lips, screen or door tracks, and damper assem- blies. These items must be
The factory built fireplace must be listed per UL 127. Installation must include a chimney liner (3” or 4” Pell Vent “PL” Piping) that extends the full height of the chimney and meets type HT require- ments. The liner must be securely attached to the insert and the chimney top. The chimney must be sealed either at the top or at the damper area with a
For raised hearth installations, adjust the leveling bolts under the front of the unit.
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