Mineral buildup or sediment may have accumulated in the old water heater. This causes the water heater to be much heavier than normal and this residue, if spilled out, could cause staining.
Locating the New Water Heater
You should carefully choose an indoor location for the new water heater, because the placement is a very important consideration for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most economical use of the appliance. This water heater is not intended for outdoor installation.
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water heater in a new location, the following critical points must be observed.
•The location selected should be indoors as close to and as centralized with the water piping system as possible. This water heater, as well as all water heaters, will eventually leak. Do not install without adequate drainage provisions so water flow will not cause damage.
Water heater life depends upon water quality, water pressure and the environment in which the water heater is installed. Water heaters are sometimes installed in locations where leakage may result in property damage, even with the use of a drain pan piped to a drain. However, unanticipated damage can be reduced or prevented by a leak detector or water shut- off device used in conjunction with a piped drain pan. These devices are available from some plumbing supply wholesalers and retailers, and detect and react to leakage in various ways:
•Sensors mounted in the drain pan that trigger an alarm or turn off the incoming water to the water heater when leakage is detected.
•Sensors mounted in the drain pan that turn off the water supply to the entire home when water is detected in the drain pan.
•Water supply
Insulation blankets are available to the general public for external use on electric water heaters but are not necessary with this product. The purpose of an insulation blanket is to reduce the standby heat loss encountered with storage tank heaters. Your water heater meets or exceeds the National Appliance Energy Conversation Act standards with respect to insulation and standby loss requirements, making an insulation blanket unnecessary.
Should you choose to apply an insulation blanket to this heater, you should follow these instructions below. Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire, serious personal injury, or death.
•Do not cover the temperature and pressure relief (T & P) valve with an insulation blanket.
•Do not cover the instruction manual. Keep it on the side of the water heater or nearby for future reference.
•Do obtain new warning and instruction labels for placement on the blanket directly over the existing labels.
Typical Installation
Check all connections for leaks. Consult the local utility company to examine installation for propriety and safety.
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will satisfy clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a certain temperature water at the hot water tap, then you must take special precautions. In addition to using the lowest possible temperature setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means such as a mixing valve, shall be used at the hot water taps used by these people or at the water heater. Mixing valves are available at plumbing