Panasonic SJ-MR240, SJ-MR270 To stop recording, To stop playback, Combine Combining 2 tracks

Page 37

English control guide (英語の簡易操作説明)

Power Supply

Refer to the illustrations on page 7.

The rechargeable battery

1Put the battery into the unit.

2Install the unit to the multi cradle/ battery charger, and connect the AC adaptor to the multi cradle/bat-

tery charger.

Recharging begins.

“CHARGE” appears on the display while recharging and “CHARGE” disappears when the battery is fully charged. It takes approximately 3.5 hours to recharge the supplied battery.

Insert an MD

Refer to the illustration on page 8.

1Slide [OPEN 1] in the direction of

the arrow to open the lid.

2Slide the MD between the guides

so it clicks into place.

3Now close the lid.

Slide [OPEN 1] in the direction of the arrow to remove the disc. The disc springs out from the unit.

The HOLD Function

Main unit

Preparation : After pressing [1/;], press [, OPR OFF/ % HOLD].

Press and hold [, OPR OFF/%HOLD] until “HOLD ON” displays.

To release

Preparation : Press [1/;]. “HOLD” is displayed.

Press and hold [, OPR OFF/%HOLD] until “HOLD OFF” displays.

Remote control

Refer to the illustration on page 8.


Refer to the illustrations on pages 9 to 10.


Release HOLD.

Connect this unit to a unit that has a digital output terminal or stereo LINE OUT terminals, or the microphone.

Insert the rechargeable battery into the unit.

Insert a recordable MD.

1Slide [REC , LP MODE] (main

unit) to the right or press and hold [T.MARK/EQ, %REC] (remote con- trol) until the display changes.

The unit comes on and enters the recording standby mode.

2Slide again [REC , LP MODE] (main unit) to select the recording mode.

The mode changes each time you do this.

LP2 (X 2) ( ------------------------------------



LP4 (X 4)


No display (Normal stereo recording) --


31 Press [1/;] (main unit) or

[PLAY MODE, REC PAUSE] (remote control) to start record- ing.

2Begin playback of the source or face the microphone towards the source of the sound.

To stop recording

Press [1/] (remote control) or

[, OPR OFF/%HOLD] (main unit). The unit powers itself off automatically

in about a minute.

You can even turn off the unit by press- ing again [, OPR OFF/%HOLD] (main unit) while stopped.


Refer to the illustrations on page 13.


Release HOLD. Insert an MD.

Connect the remote control and stereo earphones, then insert the remote con- trol’s plug into the earphone jack [Ë] on the unit.

To listen through the speakers


1.Insert a rechargeable battery into the unit.

2.Install the unit to the multi cradle.

3.Connect the AC adaptor to the multi cradle.

4.Connect the speakers to the multi cra- dle.

1Press [1/] (remote control) or [1/;] (main unit) to start play.

2Move [1/] (remote control) toward [r] or [s], or [1/;] (main unit) up or down to adjust the volume.

To stop playback

Press [1/] (remote control) or

[, OPR OFF/%HOLD] (main unit).

The unit powers itself off automatically in about a minute.

You can even turn off the unit by press- ing again [, OPR OFF/%HOLD] (main unit) while stopped.

Editing MDs

DIVIDE (Dividing a track into two)

1Press [EDIT] during play.

2Turn the jog dial to select “DIVIDE?” and press it.

A 4 second segment of the track is played repeatedly, beginning at the point selected.

3Turn the jog dial to adjust the point

you want to divide the track and press it.

Adjustments can be made approxi- mately 8 seconds (16 seconds if the track is monaural or recorded with LP2, 32 seconds if the track is record- ed with LP4) either side of the original point. (-128 to +127)

4Press [EDIT].

COMBINE (Combining 2 tracks)

1Press [EDIT] while playing the lat- ter of the two tracks you want to combine or while stopped.

2Turn the jog dial to select “COM- BINE?” and press it.

While playing, the last 8 seconds of the former track and the first 8 sec- onds of the latter track play repeated- ly.

3When performed while stopped Turn the jog dial to select the two tracks to combine.

4Press [EDIT].

English control guide



Image 37
Contents 571-8505大阪府門真市松生町1番4号 ご使用の際は、必ず本機とBeatJamの ユーザー登録をお願いいたします。 ( 25ページ「ユーザー登録のお願い」)と接続して使う 付属品の確認 充電式電池は、はんだ付け、分解、改造したり、火の中へ投入、加熱はしない が切迫して生じることが想定される」内容です。傷んだプラグ、ゆるんだコンセントは使用しないでください。 感電の原因になります。 感電の恐れがあります。インサイドホンなど肌に直接触れる部分に異常を感じたら使用を中止する 分解禁止リモコン 各部の名称/接続マルチクレードル/バッテリーチャージャー 充電式電池を本体に入れ、ACアダプターで使用します。乾電池 電源の準備電池残量表示 ACアダプターディスクの出し入れ ヘッドホンステレオ、ラジカセ、 録音回数の制限ラジオ、テレビなど 会議、講演や野外で音楽などを録音するLP2, LP4で録音した内容は、 未対応機器では再生できま せん LPと表示 。通常ステレオ録音してください。 シンクロ録音/1曲シンクロ録音 11ページ 曲番の付けかた 12ページ 録音感度の調整 12ページ停止電源「切」 一時停止シンクロ録音 /1曲シンクロ録音 ディスクの録音残り時間を確かめる録音感度の調整 曲番の付けかたAuto # Manual # 3MIN # 5MIN # 10MIN -12dB ~-4dB にとび越し(スキップ) 早送り・早戻し(サーチ)音質を変える もっと使いこなす好みのグループから聞く(グループ再生) 停止中、[PLAY MODE, REC PAUSE]リモコンを押し続けるたびに表示内容を切り替える リモコン操作確認音の入・切 表示パネルの濃淡コントラストの調整 その他の便利な機能 手順2以降は、9秒以内に漢字・ひらがな ,--.カタカナ全角文字に切り替える 2種類記録された曲名の表示または または カタカナ曲をつなぐ(コンバイン) 曲を分ける(ディバイド)1曲ずつ消す トラックイレース 全曲消す オールイレース 曲を移動する(ムーブ) 曲を消すグループをつくる グループセット 連続した曲でグループをつくる(グループ) 最大99個グループを解除する グループリリース グループ名を変更する グループタイトル録音済みMDにディスク名、曲名をつける MDになまえをつける 本体操作のみ文字を削除する SJ-MR270付属のBeatJamを用いると、漢字、ひらがな入力できます。 文字の種類 入力できる文字文字を訂正する 文字を追加する他のMDになまえをコピーする(タイトルステーション) MDになまえをつける(つづき) 本体操作のみこんなことができます パソコンと接続して使う SJ-MR270パソコン本機 BeatJamパソコンで下表の1~5の順に操作し、5のA、Bの項目に それぞれデバイスが認識されているか確認してください。 正しくセットアップされると、パソコンのデスクトップ上に BeatJam、JSユーザー登録・確認のアイコンが現れます。画面のリスト内にある項目は、ご使用のパソコン環境に応じて 異なる場合があります。(例 Windows XP 27ページ Net MD表示中 パソコンからMDに音楽を転送する(チェックアウト)BeatJam を使ってMDを再生・編集する MDからパソコンに曲を戻す(チェックイン)パソコンからの演奏を聞く(USB オーディオ) Windows XP)著作権について 他機器と接続して使うステレオ機器と接続する 外部スピーカーを接続するよくあるご質問 MDのシステム上の制約Blank Disc 一般操作について 録音について 充電について再生について USB オーディオについて SJ-MR270 編集について修理は、サービス会社・販売会社の「修理ご相談窓口」へ! その他のお問い合わせは、「お客様ご相談センター」へ! 保証とアフターサービス (よくお読みください)お買い上げ日 故障の状況 できるだけ具体的に 365日/受付9時~20時道 地 区 :磁界変調オーバーライト方式 :ミニディスクデジタルオーディオシステムスピーカー2個 式 電 池:DC 1.2 V(付属充電式電池) 池:DC 1.5 V(単3形アルカリ乾電池×1個)To stop playback To stop recordingCombine Combining 2 tracks To title tracks while playing ALL Erase Erasing all tracksErasing a character Correcting titles<無料修理規定> さくいんご販売店さまへ ※印欄は必ず記入してお渡しください。 持込修理

SJ-MR240, SJ-MR270 specifications

The Panasonic SJ-MR270 and SJ-MR240 are prominent models in the realm of portable audio players, blending sleek design with advanced features to offer an exceptional listening experience. These devices exemplify Panasonic's commitment to delivering high-quality sound in compact forms.

The SJ-MR270 is notable for its robust playback capabilities, supporting a variety of audio formats including MP3, WMA, and AAC. This versatility makes it an ideal option for users who have diverse audio libraries. Equipped with a high-capacity battery, the SJ-MR270 offers extended playback time, allowing users to enjoy their favorite tunes for hours without the need for frequent recharging. The device also features a vibrant display that enhances navigation through folders and tracks, providing a user-friendly experience.

One of the standout technologies in the SJ-MR270 is its advanced digital signal processing, which optimizes sound quality across all playback formats. This means users can expect clear highs, rich mids, and deep lows, delivering a balanced audio experience whether they are listening to classical music or modern pop. The SJ-MR270 also includes an equalizer with multiple presets, letting users customize their audio output to suit their personal preferences.

On the other hand, the Panasonic SJ-MR240 offers similar features but in a more compact and lightweight design, making it appealing for those who prioritize portability. It retains support for multiple audio formats, ensuring users can enjoy their preferred files seamlessly. The SJ-MR240 also boasts impressive battery life, though slightly less than its counterpart, making it suitable for day-to-day use and travel.

Notably, both models come with built-in FM radio capabilities, allowing users to tune into their favorite stations and enjoy live broadcasts. This feature adds an extra layer of versatility to both players, making them more than just digital music players.

Connectivity options are also a highlight, as both the SJ-MR270 and SJ-MR240 include USB ports for easy file transfers and charging. The devices are designed with user comfort in mind, featuring easy-to-use controls that enhance the overall listening experience.

In conclusion, the Panasonic SJ-MR270 and SJ-MR240 offer a compelling combination of design, sound quality, and features. Their ability to support various audio formats, coupled with advanced audio processing technologies, makes them excellent choices for music enthusiasts looking for portable solutions without compromising on sound fidelity.