If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can digitally zoom into a video pane by scrolling the wheel forward, and digitally zoom out by scrolling the wheel backward. You can also pan and tilt within a zoomed video pane by clicking and then dragging in the desired direction.
To activate Digital PTZ, select Scroll Wheel Digital Zoom on the Video Controls tab (refer to Video Controls Tab on page 39).
Local groups are similar to camera groups, except that local groups are available only on the remote client computer on which they are created. Perform the following steps to create a local group of up to 16 cameras:
1.Click the Close Windows button.
2.Click the Save Local Camera Group button, and select the Local Group Configuration tab (refer to Figure 34).
3.Click New Group, type a name for the local group, and select whether the group is viewable by all users of the client computer or only by the current user.
4.Click Save Group. You can also quickly create a local group by arranging cameras on the live video page and clicking the Save Local Group button.
Figure 34. Local Group Configuration Tab
The tree on the left side of the Local Group Configuration tab contains a list of all available cameras. To add a camera to the group, drag its name to the list on the right side of the tab (or select the camera and click the right arrow). To remove a camera from the group, drag its name back to the tree (or select the camera and click the left arrow). Add cameras until the local group is complete. Cameras will be displayed in the order that you select on this tab; you can reorder the cameras by selecting a camera and clicking the up and down arrows.
Digital Sentry can automatically cycle through configurable sequences of camera combinations. To configure a sequence, select the Save Local Camera Group button and select the Camera Sequence Setup tab. Click New Sequence, type a name for the sequence. Enter a dwell time, which is the amount of time, in seconds, that each combination of cameras is displayed in the cycle. Then click Save.
A camera sequence can contain camera groups configured on the server and local groups configured on the remote client computer. The tree on the left side of the tab contains a list of all available camera groups and local groups. To add a group to the sequence, drag its name to the list on the right side of the tab (or select the group and click the right arrow). To remove a group from the sequence, drag its name back to the tree (or select the group and click the left arrow). Add groups until the sequence is complete. You can reorder the sequence by selecting a group and clicking the up and down arrows.
The Rename Sequence and Delete Sequence buttons allow you to modify or remove the sequence selected in the Camera Sequence Name
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