Samsung EC-ST10ZSBA/IT, EC-ST10ZABP/FR Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage

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Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care

Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries or damage to your camera.

Never place batteries or cameras on or in heating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.


Handle and store your camera carefully and sensibly

Do not allow your camera to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your camera with wet hands. Water damage to your camera can void your manufacturer’s warranty.

Avoid using or storing your camera in dusty, dirty, humid, or poorly-ventilated areas to prevent damage to moving parts and internal components.

Exercise caution when connecting cables or adapters and installing batteries and memory cards. Forcing the connectors, improperly connecting cables, or improperly installing batteries and memory cards can damage ports, connectors, and accessories.

Do not insert foreign objects into any of your camera’s compartments, slots, or access points. This type of damage may not be covered by your warranty.

Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage

Avoid exposing batteries or memory cards to very cold or very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° F or above 40° C/104° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity of your batteries and can cause memory cards to malfunction.

Prevent memory cards from making contact with liquids, dirt, or foreign substances. If dirty, wipe the memory card clean with a soft cloth before inserting in your camera.



Morse93_EUR1.indb 3

2009-05-12 오전 11:46:19

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Contents Quick Start Manual Contents Health and safety information Especificações Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage Camera layout Cable Earphones Setting up your cameraOptional accessories UnpackingFacing down Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the batteryWith Samsung logoUsing the touch screen Turning on your cameraRotate the lens cover open Capturing photos or videos Taking a photoRecording a video Playing files Viewing photosPlaying multimedia files Transferring multimedia files to the camera Disconnecting safely for Windows XPTransferring files to a PC Windows Select the files you want and drag or save them to the PCSpecifications Image sensor Lens Display Focusing Shutter speed StorageRechargeable battery Dimensions W x H x D Weight Hinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit… ………………… InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit DE-2DE-3 AchtungEinsetzen. Gewaltsames Einstecken von Steckern Zoom-Taste Wiedergabe-Taste Menütaste Touchscreen Aufbau der KameraDE-4 Blitzlicht 10 Mikrofon StatuslämpchenOptionales Zubehör Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-5 AuspackenDE-6 Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzenNach unten weisend Akku entnehmen Verwendung des Touchscreens DE-7Kamera einschalten Drehen Sie die Objektabdeckung in die geöffnete StellungDE-8 FotografierenVideo aufzeichnen Videos anzeigen Dateien wiedergebenFotos anzeigen Multimedia-Dateien wiedergebenSicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenDE-10 Multimedia-Dateien auf die Kamera übertragenDisplay Scharfeinstellung Verschlusszeit Speicher Technische DatenDE-11 Typ 1/2,5 ca ,02 cm CCDLecture de fichiers… ………… Transfert de fichiers vers SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité FR-2FR-3 Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soinsProtégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire Touche zoom Touche Lecture Touche Menu Ecran tactile Présentation de lappareil photoFR-4 Flash Microphone Voyant IndicateurContenu du coffret Accessoires en optionAssemblage de votre appareil photo FR-5FR-6 La puce est orientée vers le hautSamsung est orienté vers le bas Retrait de la batterie Écran tactile FR-7Mise en route de lappareil Faites tourner le cache de lobjectif pour louvrirFilmer une séquence vidéo Prise de vues photo ou vidéoFR-8 Prise de vuesLecture de fichiers multimédias Lecture de fichiersFR-9 Visionner des photosDébranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XP Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsFR-10 Transfert de fichiers multimédia sur lappareil photoFR-11 CaractéristiquesInformación sobre salud y Seguridad… …………………… ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad ES-2Precauciones ES-3ES-4 Diseño de la cámaraAccesorios opcionales Configuración de la cámaraES-5 DesembalajeES-6 Insertar la batería y la tarjeta deMemoria Usar la pantalla táctil ES-7Encender la cámara Gire la cubierta de la lente para abrirlaES-8 Tomar una fotografíaGrabar un vídeo Reproducir archivos multimedia Reproducción de archivosES-9 Ver fotografíasCorrespondientes Transferencia de archivos a un ordenador para WindowsES-10 Transferir archivos multimedia a la cámaraES-11 EspecificacionesSicurezza… …………………… ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza IT-2Attenzione IT-3IT-4 Layout fotocameraApertura dellimballaggio Accessori opzionaliPreparazione della fotocamera IT-5Come rimuovere IT-6Inserimento della batteria e della Scheda di memoriaUtilizzo dello schermo tattile IT-7Come accendere la fotocamera Aprite il copriobiettivo ruotandoloRegistrazione di un video Cattura di foto o videoIT-8 Scattare una fotoRiproduzione di file multimediali Riproduzione di fileIT-9 Visualizzazione delle fotografieDisconnessione sicura per Windows XP Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsIT-10 Trasferimento di file multimediali nella fotocameraBatteria ricaricabile Dimensioni L x a x P Peso SpecificheIT-11 Informatie over gezondheid InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid NL-2Voorzichtig NL-3NL-4 Uitpakken Optionele accessoiresUw camera gereedmaken voor gebruik NL-5Beneden Naar boven NL-6De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen Het Samsung De goudkleurige Logo wijst naarHet aanraakscherm gebruiken NL-7De camera inschakelen Draai de lensbescherming openEen video opnemen Foto’s en videos makenNL-8 Een foto nemenBestanden afspelen Fotos weergevenMultimediabestanden afspelen Veilig loskoppelen voor Windows XP Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsNL-10 Multimediabestanden naar de camera overbrengenSpecificaties NL-11Beeldsensor Lens Scherm Scherpstelling Sluitertijd Opslag Informações de saúde e Segurança……………………… SumárioInformações de saúde e segurança PT-2Cuidados PT-3PT-4 Layout da câmeraAcessórios opcionais Configurando sua câmeraPT-5 DesembalandoPT-6 Com os contatosDa Samsung Dourados voltados Voltado para baixo Para cima Usando a tela sensível ao toque PT-7Ligando a câmera Gire a tampa da lente para abri-laGravando um vídeo Capturando fotos ou vídeosPT-8 Tirando uma fotoReproduzindo arquivos multimídia Reproduzindo arquivosPT-9 Exibindo fotosDesconectando com segurança Windows XP Transferindo arquivos para um PC WindowsPT-10 Transferindo arquivos multimídia para a câmera
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