ENGLISH Maintenance : Cleaning and
Maintaining the Sports Camcorder 保養:清潔和保養運動攝錄放影機
Cleaning the Body
✤To Clean the Exterior of the Sports Camcorder
✓To clean the exterior, use a soft dry cloth. Wipe the body gently.
Do not apply excessive force when cleaning, gently rub the surface.
✓The LCD monitor surface should not be pressed. Use a soft dry cloth to clean the surface.
✓To clean the lens, use an optional air blower to blow out dirt and other small objects. Do not wipe the lens with cloth or your fingers. If necessary, use lens cleaning paper.
✓Do not use thinner, alcohol or benzene for cleaning. Otherwise, the finish may be damaged.
✓Cleaning should be done only after the battery pack has been removed, and other power sources have been disconnected.
[ Note ]
✤If the lens looks dimmer, turn off the Sports Camcorder and leave it for about 1 hour.
✤ 清潔運動攝錄放影機外部
✓ 清潔外部時,請使用柔軟的乾布。輕輕擦拭機身。
✓ 請勿按壓 LCD 顯示器的表面。使用柔軟的乾布清潔表面。
✓ 清潔鏡頭時,請使用吹風機(可選購)將灰塵和其他小物件吹 走。請勿使用布或手指擦拭鏡頭。
✓ 請勿使用稀釋劑、酒精或苯來清潔。否則,裝置表面的漆將會
✓ 必須在取下電池組和中斷其他電源之後進行清潔。
[附註 ]
✤ 若鏡頭變暗,請關閉運動攝錄放影機後放置約 1 小時。
Using the Built-in Rechargeable Battery
The Sports Camcorder incorporates a rechargeable lithium cell that maintains the date and other settings even when the AC Power Adapter and the battery are removed. The rechargeable lithium cell is automatically recharged when the Sports Camcorder is used.
Charging the Built-in Rechargeable Battery
✤If the Sports Camcorder is not used at all, the cell runs down in 5 days. In this case, connect the AC Power Adapter to the Sports Camcorder and press the [POWER] button to turn on the Sports Camcorder. Then leave it for 24 hours.
After that, set the date and other settings again.
運動攝錄放影機內含一顆充電鋰電池,在取下 交流電變壓器和電池 時 維持機內日期和其他設定。充電鋰電池會在運動攝錄放影機使用時自動 充電。
✤ 如果一直未使用運動攝錄放影機,電池將在 5 天內失去電力。若發 生此情形,將運動攝錄放影機接上交流電變壓器並按下 [POWER] 按 鈕開啟運動攝錄放影機。然後放置 24 小時。