Samsung C61RAAST/AND manual Warranty and Service, FAQs and troubleshooting

Page 52

Warranty and Service



FAQs and troubleshooting
















A fault may result from a minor error that you can correct yourself with the help of the following



instructions. Do not attempt any further repairs if the following instructions do not help in each



specific case.






Warning: Repairs to the appliance are to be performed only by a qualified service



technician.. Improperly effected repairs may result in considerable risk to the user.. If



your appliance needs repair, please contact your customer service centre..



What should I do if the cooking zones are not functioning?



Check for the following possibilities:



• The fuse in the house wiring (fuse box) is intact. If the fuses trip a number of times, call an



authorised electrician..






• The appliance is properly switched on.



• The control indicators in the control panel are illuminated.



• The cooking zone is switched on.



• The cooking zones are set at the desired heat settings.



What should I do if the cooking zones will not switch on?



Check for the following possibilities:



• A period of more than 10 seconds has elapsed between when the On / Off button was actu-



ated and the desired cooking zone switches on (see the section “Switching the appliance









• The control panel is partially covered by a damp cloth or liquid.



What should I do if the display except for the residual warmth indicator sud-



denly disappears?






This could be a result of one of two possibilities:



• The On / Off sensor was accidentally actuated.



• The control panel is partially covered by a damp cloth or liquid.



What should I do if, after the cooking zones have been switched off, residual



warmth is not indicated in the display?



Check for the following possibility:



• The cooking zone was only briefly used and therefore did not become hot enough. If the



cooking zone is hot, please call the customer service centre..



What should I do if the cooking zone will not switch on or off?



This could be due to one of the following possibilities:



• The control panel is partially covered by a damp cloth or liquid.



• The child safety lock is on.






What should I do if the

display is illuminated?



Check for the following:






• The control panel is partially covered by a damp cloth or liquid. To reset, press the “On / Off”



control sensor..
















C61RAAST_AND-00122A-04_EN.indd 22

2009-12-21 ￿￿ 8:57:41

Image 52
Contents Seramik Cam Ocak C61RAASTAND-EN.indd 2007-03-29 ソタネト Ýçindekiler Bu Kýlavuzun Kullanýmý Metin içinde aþaðýdaki semboller kullanýlmaktadýrElektrik Güvenliði GüvenlikÇocuk Güvenliði Güvenlik devam ediyor Elden Çýkartma TalimatlarýTemizlik Sýrasýnda Güvenlik Ambalajlarýn AtýlmasýDüzenlemeler ve Uyum Ocaðýn KurulumuKuran Kiþi Ýçin Güvenlik Talimatlarý Ocaðýn Kurulumu devam ediyor TR Ana Güç Kaynaðýna BaðlanmasýTezgaha Yerleþtirme 100 490 +1 Parçalar ve Özellikler Piþirme Gözleri ve Kontrol PaneliParçalar ve Özellikler devam ediyor TR BileþenlerCihazýnýzýn Önemli Özellikleri TR Güvenli Kesme Kalan Isý GöstergesiBaþlamadan Önce Ocak KullanýmýUygun Piþirme Kabý Kullanýmý Enerji Tasarrufu Hakkýnda ÝpuçlarýOcak Kullanýmý devam ediyor Dokunmatik Kontrol Sensörlerinin KullanýmýOcaðýn Açýlmasý Isý KontrolüCihazýn Kapatýlmasý Bir Piþirme Gözünün KapatýlmasýÇocuk Güvenlik Kilidinin Kullanýmý Çocuk Güvenlik Kilidinin EtkinleþtirilmesiÇocuk Güvenlik Kilidinin Açýlmasý Kontrol Panelinin Kilitlenmesi ve Açýlmasý Özel Yiyeceklerin Piþirilmesi Ýçin Önerilen AyarlarTemizlik ve Bakým TR OcakHafif Lekeler ve Kirler Ýnatçý Lekeler ve KirlerOcak Tezgahý Temizlik ve Bakým devam ediyorCihazýnýza Zarar Vermekten Sakýnmak Ýçin Garanti ve Servis Sýk Sorulan Sorular ve Sorun GidermeServis Garanti ve Servis devam ediyorBu teknik bir hata mýdýr? Teknik Veriler Piþirme GözleriNot C61RCCNAND-EN.indd 2007-03-29 ソタネトSoru VE Yorumlariniz İçİn Ceramic Glass Hob C61RAASTAND-00122A-04EN.indd 2009-12-21 Contents Using This Manual Following symbols are used in the textElectrical safety SafetyChild safety Safety when cleaning Disposal InstructionsDisposing of the packaging material Proper disposal of your old applianceSafety instructions for the installer Installing the HobRegulations and compliance Connecting to the mains power supply AC220 V~Installing into the countertop 100 490 +1 Parts and Features Cooking zones and control panelEN Components Key features of your appliance Residual heat indicator Safety shutoffOther reasons why a cooking zone will switch itself off Using suitable cookware Before You BeginHob Use Energy saving tipsUsing the touch control sensors Switching the appliance on Temperature controlSwitching the appliance off Switching a cooking zone offUsing the child safety lock Switching the child safety lock onSwitching the child safety lock off Suggested settings for cooking specific foods Locking and unlocking the control panelLight Soiling Cleaning and CareStubborn Soiling Hob Frame To avoid damaging your applianceWarranty and Service FAQs and troubleshootingIs it a technical fault? ServiceWhen do you incur costs even during the warranty period? Technical Data Cooking ringsC61RAASTAND-00122A-04EN.indd 2009-12-21 Code No..DG68-00122A-04