2) Manipulating the camera
aFor manipulating the camera, since only the concerned cam no. indicated in LCD is possible, first select the camera you want to manipulate. For camera selection, when you press CAM+NO+ENTER the camera no. gets indicated in LCD.
bIn the third line of LCD, the camera's action state gets indicated. Initially, it appears as “MANUAL”. And, in this state, by using the JOY STICK and LENS CONTROL buttons, you can manipulate the light turning mark and the lens. According to the manipulation angle of the Joy Stick, the rotation speed of the light turning mark gets varied.
cAUTO PAN action
When repeatedly moving the space in between two spots
dSCAN action
This is a function for moving the preset positions in many places designated to the camera's scan mode
ePATTERN action
This is a function for watching 30 seconds of the camera's moves set up by the user according to the camera's pattern mode
fPRESET action
This is a function for selecting and watching the preset position set up in the camera. If you want to select the PRESET Position you want, press the PRESET button, put in the appropriate number in the position you want, and press the ENTER button. At this
time, the LED of the PRESET button gets turned on, “Pattern [ ]” gets indicated in the LCD. Once the operation is finished, current move is changed to MANUAL MODE.