Samsung RS25H5223SL/ZA manual Ice Maker Bucket, Shelves, Drawers, Door Bins, Dairy Bin

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( 1 ) Ice Maker Bucket

Designed to store lots of ice easily.

Do not put your fingers, hands or any WARNING other objects in the ice chute or the

ice maker bucket. This may result in personal injury or material damage.

( 2 ) Shelves

Can be used to store all types of frozen food.

( 3 ) Drawers

Best used to store meats or dry foods.

Stored food should be wrapped securely using foil or other suitable wrapping materials or containers.

( 4 ) Door Bins

Can be used for small packages of frozen food.

( 5 ) Dairy Bin

Can be used to store smaller dairy items like butter or margarine, yogurt or cream-cheese bricks.

( 6 ) Shelves

Designed to be crack-resistant.

They can be used to store all types of food and drinks.

Circular marks on the glass surface are normal phenomenon and can usually be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

( 7 ) Door Bins

Designed to handle large, bulky items such as gallons of milk or other large bottles and containers.

( 8 ) Coolselect Zone™ (RS25H5121)

It is useful for chilling beverages quickly and for thawing frozen foods.

Fresh (default) : can be used as mini-fridge in the fridge.

The temp will be similar to that of the surroundings.

Thaw : Press the Thaw button, and then put food you want to thaw in the Coolselect Zone.

Quick Cool : Press Quick Cool to cool beverages quickly.

After a assigned time, Thaw and Quick Cool will be automatically changed to Fresh.

It can be used for defrosting foods. So if you want to store meats, place them in the freezer.

( 9 ) Fruit & Vegetable Drawer

Used to preserve the freshness of your stored vegetables and fruits.

(10) Beverage Station (RS25H52*)

Can be used to store the frequently used items, such as canned beverages and snacks and allows access to these items without opening the refrigerator door.


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Contents Free Standing Appliance RefrigeratorSafety information ContentsResult in minor InformationsafetyEnglish English Installation English This may result in eye strain due to the ultraviolet rays English English English Cleaning English Additional Tips for Proper Usage English Selecting the best location for the refrigerator Setting up your side-by-side refrigeratorGetting Ready to Install the Refrigerator When moving your refrigeratorFlooring Dimensions inch mm ModelRemove the Front Leg Cover Installing the handlesHow to install the handles Removing the Refrigerator DoorsRemove the freezer door Separate the water supply line from the refrigeratorFew things to mention first Re-attaching the Fridge Door Remove the fridge doorRe-attaching the Freezer Door Re-attaching the Water Supply Lines When the Freezer part is lower than the Fridge partWhen the Fridge part is lower than the Freezer part Leveling the RefrigeratorIf you do not secure the nut firmly, the bolt may release Making Minor Adjustments to the DoorsTo complete this connection Installing the Water Dispenser LineConnecting the water supply line to the refrigerator Connecting to the water supply linePreventing Power Cord Damage Completing the SET UPChecking the Control Panel Operating the Samsung side- by-side refrigeratorUsing the Control Panel Water Power CoolCubed , Crushed Ice OffTo get colder water Using the ICE and Cold Water DispenserUsing the ice dispenser Using the water dispenserEnglish RS25H51 Storing FoodRS25H52 Door Bins Ice Maker BucketShelves DrawersDeterioration in the power cord insulation may cause fire Pulling it out slowly Fridge AccessoriesRemoving the Freezer Ice Bucket FreezerCleaning the rubber door seals Cleaning the RefrigeratorCleaning the Interior Cleaning the ExteriorReplacing the Water Filter Using the ICE Maker Troubleshooting Walls There is a badSmell Frost forms onMemo English Ambient Room Temperature LimitsContact Samsung World Wide Réfrigérateur Consignes DE SÉCURITÉ…………………………………………………………… SommaireConsignes de sécurité Les instructions suivantesDesécurité Consignes De causer des blessuresCela risquerait dentraîner une électrocution ou un incendie Ne tordez pas ni ne nouez pas le cordon dalimentationFrançais Pour UNE Ne touchez pas les parois Ne remplissez pas trop le réfrigérateurRisque de gelures Nendommagez pas le circuit de réfrigération Le non-respect de cette consigne peut provoquer un incendie Ils risqueraient de rester emprisonnésNe touchez pas à lappareil ou au cordon dalimentation Contactez un réparateurGarantie de réparation et modification Afin déviter tout risque de fuitePour un fonctionnement optimal de lappareil Avertissement Un enfant pourrait sétouffer sil met sa tête dans un sac Conseils Supplémentaires Concernant Lutilisation La circulation de lair Conseils en matière déconomie dénergieDéplacer le réfrigérateur Installation de votre réfrigérateur Side-by-SideAvant Dinstaller LE Réfrigérateur Choix du meilleur emplacement pour le réfrigérateurSol Dimensions pouce mm ModèleRetirez le cache des pieds avant Installation des poignéesInstaller les poignées Retirer LES Portes DU RéfrigérateurAvant de commencer InstallationRetirez le tuyau darrivée deau du réfrigérateur Retirez la porte du congélateurRemise en place de la porte du réfrigérateur Retirez la porte du réfrigérateurRemise en place de la porte du congélateur Que la partie réfrigérateur Mise À Niveau DU RéfrigérateurRemise en place des tuyaux darrivée deau Si la partie congélateur est plus basseAiguilles dune montre ou inverse des Réglages Fins SUR LES PortesPoire Installer LE Tuyau DU Distributeur DeauBranchement sur le tuyau darrivée d’eau Raccordement du tuyau darrivée deau au réfrigérateurRéglage DU Réfrigérateur « Utilisation du panneau de commande » à laPour éviter dendommager le cordon dalimentation Energy Saver Économiseur dénergie ºC↔ºF 3 s Vérification DU Panneau DE CommandeUtilisation DU Panneau DE Commande Water Eau Refroidissement rapideCubed Glaçons Crushed Glace pilée Ice Off Désactivation glacePour obtenir de leau plus froide Utilisation DU Distributeur DE Glace ET Deau FroideUtilisation du distributeur de glace Utilisation du distributeur deauFrançais Conservation Daliments Bacs de la porte Bac de la machine à glaçonsClayettes TiroirsFrançais CONGÉLATEUR/RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Retrait DES Accessoires DUNettoyage de la partie extérieure Remplacement de léclairage par DELNettoyage DU Réfrigérateur Nettoyage de la partie intérieureEntretien Retirez lancien filtre à eau de son logement Remplacement DU Filtre À EAUInsérez un filtre à eau neuf dans le logement du filtre Utilisation DE LA Machine À Glaçons Dépannage Dégage une odeur Vous entendezDe leau Réfrigérateur Le réfrigérateurMémo Comment contacter Samsung dans le monde Température ambiante mini./maxiةينورتكللإاو ةيبرهكلا تادعلما تايافن ةفرغلا يف ةطيلمحا ةرارلحا ةجرد دودحلماوعلا هذه نع ضيوعتلل بولطم وه امك ةرارلحا ةجرد طبضب مق جتنلما اذه نم ميلسلا صلختلاةركذم دملمجا للحا ةلكشلماةجلاثلا بناوج ىلع جلثلا نوكتاهحلاصإو لكاشلما فاشكتسا جلثلا جاتنإ ةدحو مادختسا بيكرت دعب ءالما دوزم طخ لخاد نم ةيقبتم داوم يأ ةلازإ ءالما حشرم لادبتساءالما حشرم اهلادبتسا وأ LED عون نم حيباصلما كف رظحي ةجلاثلا فيظنتةجلاثلا / دملمجا تاقحلم ةلازإ ينلباقتلما ينبابلا تاذ ةجلاثلا فيظنت اهتنايصو32 ةيبرعلا ينحوتفم ينبابلا كرتاو زاهلجاجاردلأا هكاوفلاو تاوارضلخا جردجلثلا جاتنإ ةدحو قودنص ففرلأا30 ةيبرعلا ةمعطلأا نيزختخبطلما تاودأ نم ةيبشخ ليغشتلا نلو لمع ةلحر وأ ةليوط ةلطعُ يف كباهذ ةلاح يفجلثلا جاتنإ ءالما عّزوم مادختسا جلثلا عزوم مادختساةدورب رثكأ هايم ىلع لوصحلل ءام Water ةفيظو طيشنت دنع زمرلا اذه ءيضي ناوث 3 ةدلم ىرخأةجلاثلا/دملمجاّ ةرارلحا ةجرد طبض مكحتلا ةحول مادختسامكحتلا ةحول صحف يبرهكلا رايتلا كلس فلت بنتج دادعلإا لامكتساةزهجلأا ءالما عِّزوم طخ بيكرتءالما دوزم طخ ليصوت ةجلاثلاب ءالما دوزم طخ ليصوتباوبلأا ىلع ةفيفط تلايدعت ءارجإ ءالما دوزم طوطخ بيكرت ةداعإ ةجلاثلا ءاوتسا طبضدملمجا باب بيكرت ةداعإ ةجلاثلا باب بيكرت ةداعإءالما طخ عطقت لا ًلاوأ اهركِذ نم دبلا ءايشلأا ضعب كانههاندأ تاوطلخا عبتا ،باوبلأا ةلازلإ ةجلاثلا باوبأ ةلازإضباقلما بيكرت ةيفيك نيملأا بابلا بناج نم ضباقلما بحسب مقينلباقتلما ينبابلا تاذ ضرلأا ىلع تيبثتلاديدلجا زاهلجا ينلباقتلما ينبابلا تاذ ةجلاثلا دادعإةجلاثلا بيكرتل دادعتسلاا ةجلاثلا لقن ءانثأةملاسلا تامولعم ةقاطلا ريفوتل تاحيملتاهل اقفوً ديربتلا زاهج ميمصت يف ةعرسب دسفت يتلا ةمعطلأا ظفتح لاايئاقلت متت ةيلمعلا هذه نأ ثيح اماتمً اهتباذإءزلجاب دوجولما طغاضلا قصلم صحفا اديعب ةئبعتلا داوم عيمجب اديج ظفتحاهنم صلختلا اهتاعارم بجي ةماه تاريذتح جتنلما نم صلختلا دنعرارضلإا ىلإ اهمادختسا نود ةليوط تارتفل نيزختلا تارتفل ىصقلأا دلحا ةبقارم ىجرُيغرفأ ،رثكأ وأ عيباسأ ةثلاث ةليوط ةرتفل ةجلاثلا مادختسا مدع ةلاح يفدق ،يكيتسلاب سيكب ةدودسم تناك اذإ كيدل كسفنبSamsung ةنايص ةباصلإل ضرعتلا وأ وأ قيرح بوشن وأ ةيبرهك ةمدص ثودحاهلخاد وأ ةجلاثلا ناكلماب لافطأ دجاوت ةلاح يبرهكلا رايتلا سباق لصوت لا ناتلتبم كاديو طئالحا ذخأبميدام فلت وأ ادجً ةليئضلوصولا نكيم ثيحب زاهلجا عضو بجي هعضوم يف يبرهكلا رايتلا سباق لصوايلدتم كلسلا نوكي ثيحب ؛حيحصلا ينصتلمخا ةنايصلا ءلاكوقوقش هب يبرهك رايت كلس يأ مدختست لا ةملاسلا تامولعم كلاسلأاينلباقتلما ينبابلا تاذ Samsung ةجلاث ليغشت ةملاسلا تامولعمةيلاعفو نامأب ةديدلجا مهتملاس ىلع ظافلحاتاماعد نود نم زاهج ةجلاثلا
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RS25H5223SL/ZA specifications

The Samsung RS25H5223SL/ZA is a feature-rich side-by-side refrigerator designed to meet the needs of modern households. With its stylish stainless steel exterior, it not only complements any kitchen decor but also offers durability and easy maintenance. This refrigerator has a generous capacity of 25 cubic feet, providing ample storage space for groceries and essentials.

One of the key features of the RS25H5223SL/ZA is its Twin Cooling System. This innovative technology utilizes two separate evaporators for the fridge and freezer compartments, resulting in optimal humidity levels and preventing the mixing of odors. This ensures that fruits and vegetables remain fresh longer, while ice cream stays perfectly frozen, maintaining its texture and flavor.

Energy efficiency is an essential consideration for many consumers, and this model excels in that department. The RS25H5223SL/ZA is Energy Star certified, which means it consumes less energy compared to non-certified models. This helps consumers save on energy bills while also being environmentally friendly.

Another notable characteristic is the external water and ice dispenser, which allows for convenient access to chilled water and ice cubes without having to open the refrigerator door. The dispenser features a sleek design and is easy to use, making it a practical addition for busy families.

The interior of the refrigerator is thoughtfully designed with adjustable shelving, spill-proof glass shelves, and humidity-controlled crisper drawers. These elements allow for customizable organization, making it simple to store items of various sizes while keeping everything easily accessible.

In terms of user convenience, the RS25H5223SL/ZA is equipped with LED lighting, which illuminates the interior more efficiently than traditional bulbs. The energy-efficient LED lights provide better visibility, allowing users to find their favorite snacks and ingredients with ease.

In conclusion, the Samsung RS25H5223SL/ZA is a reliable and stylish refrigerator that combines innovative technologies with practical features. Its spacious capacity, Twin Cooling System, energy efficiency, external water and ice dispenser, and well-designed interior make it an excellent choice for any household looking to enhance their kitchen functionality. Whether you're storing fresh produce, frozen meals, or entertaining guests, this refrigerator delivers performance and convenience, ensuring your food stays fresh and your kitchen remains organized.