Samsung RB29FSRNDWW/EF, RB31FSRNDSS/EF manual Cleaning the Refrigerator, Replacing the LED Lamp

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Gently lift up the shelves with both hands and pull it toward you. (Glass shelf)

Do not put the

CAUTION shelves upside down or backwards. There is a risk of falling.

Door guards

Firmly grab the door guards with both hands and lift it up gently to remove the door guards.

Water tank

Lift up the Can Carry and then firmly grab the water tank with both hands and lift it up towards you gently to remove the water tanks.

Water tank may not be available depending on the model.


Pull the drawers out fully then slightly lift it up to remove the drawers.

If the drawers get

stuck to door, remove drawer by lifting up after remove shelves.


Do not use Benzene, Thinner or Clorox™ WARNING for cleaning.

They may damage the surface of the appliance and can create a risk of fire.


Do not spray the refrigerator with water


CAUTION while it is plugged in, as it may cause



an electric shock. Do not clean the


Unplug the power cord of the refrigerator.


refrigerator with benzene, thinner or car



detergent for risk of fire.



Slightly dampen a soft lint-free cloth or paper



towel with water.


Do not use any kind of detergent to clean the refrigerator because that can discolor or damage the refrigerator.

3.Wipe the inside and outside of refrigerator until it is clean and dry.

4.Plug the power cord of the refrigerator.

When water dispenser do not come out water, push on top of the water tank down slightly.


When the interior or exterior LED lamp has gone out, do not disassemble the lamp cover and LED lamp by yourself.

Please contact your service agents.

operating _27

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2017. 7. 26.

�� 2:27

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Contents Free Standing Appliance Thank you for purchasing a Samsung productSafety Information Safety informationDo not attempt Unplug the power plugRegard to safe disposal of this product Failing to do so may result in fire or explosionSevere Warning Warning Signs for Severe Warning Warning Signs for InstallationThis refrigerator must be properly installed This may result in an electric shock or fire Otherwise there is a risk of firePipe, or telephone line Allow the appliance to stand for 2 hours after installation Severe Warning Warning Signs for UsingDo not sit on the Freezer door. -- The door may be broken Safety information Otherwise, there is a risk of electric shock Wipe excess moisture from the inside and leave the doors To get best performance from the productMaintenance Severe Warning Warning Signs for Disposal Additional Tips for Proper Usage Bad easily at low temperature, such as bananas, melons Setting up your refrigerator ContentsLevelling the Refrigerator Where you are workingSetting UP the Refrigerator Reversing the Door OptionalRequired Tools Setting up Be careful not to injure yourself during Assembling procedure of the DoorBefore After Assemble the Middle hinge by the Phillips HeadAssemble step Setting up Fridge Using the Control PanelOperating your refrigerator FreezerCoolselect Zone Features of the Freezer CompartmentTemperature Alarm Only for Coolselect zone function model Additional ShelfPurchasing and storing deep-frozen food Freezing foodPacking food correctly Shelf life of frozen foodRemoving the Interior Parts Using the Water Dispenser OptionalReplacing the LED Lamp Cleaning the RefrigeratorTroubleshooting +16 to +43 +10 to +32+16 to +32 +16 to +38Country Call Website Appareil au sol Merci davoir acheté un produit SamsungConsignes DE Sécurité Consignes de sécuritéRemarque Ne tentez Rien Ne démontez Rien Ne touchez à RienConsignes Importantes Pour ’INSTALLATION’alimentation Sur la tête risque de mourir par étouffement Importantes Pour ’UTILISATION Cela risquerait de provoquer un incendie ou une explosion ’endommagez pas le circuit de réfrigérationLa butée de clayette pourrait ne pas fonctionner Raison de la chute de la clayette en verre’utilisez pas de ventilateur Aliments dans un environnement domestique Le rebord coupant pourrait vous blesserEn cas d’éclaboussures, vous ’obstruez pas les orifices de ventilation Vous éviterez ainsi l’apparition d’odeurs et de moisissures Peuvent disparaîtreCes produits risquent de rayer ou d’endommager le matériau De nettoyage ou de maintenanceÉvitez de stocker des denrées Conseils Supplémentaires Pour UNE Bonne UtilisationConseils Pour Économiser L’ÉNERGIE Ne recongelez jamais des aliments déjà décongelésTable des matières Installation de votre réfrigérateurPréparation DE Linstallation Choix du lieu dinstallationMise À Niveau DU Réfrigérateur InstallationOutils nécessaires Installation DU RéfrigérateurInstallation Veillez à ne pas vous blesser durant Attention l’opération Procédure de montage de la portePosez le réfrigérateur avec précaution Avant AprèsÉtapes du montage Installation Fridge Réfrigérateur Utilisation DU Panneau DE CommandeFonctionnement du réfrigérateur Freezer CongélateurSymbole des produits congelés sur le Clayette SupplémentairePanneau de la porte Décongélation des aliments congelés Congélation dalimentsEmballer les aliments correctement Achat et conservation daliments congelésPorte du réfrigérateur Utilisation DU Distributeur D’EAU EN OptionRetrait DES Éléments Intérieurs Première utilisationNettoyage DU Réfrigérateur Remplacement DE LA DELDépannage De +16 à +43 De +10 à +32De +16 à +32 De +16 à +38Zambia Manual do utilizador Obrigado por adquirir um produto da SamsungAparelho autónomo Informações DE Segurança Informações de segurançaNÃO toque Práticas perigosas ouNÃO tente NÃO desmonteInstalação Peças do circuito de refrigeração é danificadaExiste o risco de incêndio ou de choque elétrico Possa entrar em contacto com água Não utilize aerossóis próximo do frigoríficoPlástico ou linha telefónica Caso contrário, existe o perigo de incêndioIsto poderá resultar em incêndio ou explosão UtilizaçãoNão danifique o circuito de refrigeração Deixe as crianças entrarem para o interior do frigorífico Batente da prateleira não funcionariaCaso contrário, poderão ocorrer ferimentos graves Não tente reparar, desmontar ou modificar o aparelho Não bloqueie os orifícios de ventilação Sinais DE CuidadoSinais DE Cuidado Para Aviso Importantes Para Eliminação do Aparelho Sinais DE AvisoProvocar um incêndio Estes podem riscar ou danificar o materialSugestões Adicionais Para USO Adequado Horas, retire todos os alimentos congeladosNão deixe a porta do aparelho Temperaturas como, por exemplo, bananas ou melõesSugestões para poupar energia No aparelhoÍndice Preparar o seu frigoríficoPreparar a Instalação do Frigorífico Nivelar O Frigorífico Apenas nos modelos RB31F***B e RB29F***BQue está a trabalhar Puxar ou empurrar o frigorífico poderá Preparar O Frigorífico Para USO Inverter a Posição DA Porta OpcionalFerramentas necessárias Preparação Antes Após Procedimento para montagem da portaEtapas de montagem Preparação Fridge frigorífico Funcionamento do seu frigoríficoUtilizar O Painel DE Controlo CongeladorMarca dos alimentos congelados no Alarme de temperatura Apenas para o modelo Coolselect zonePrateleira Adicional Características doCompra e armazenamento de alimentos ultracongelados Congelar os alimentosEmbalar os alimentos corretamente Prazo de validade dos alimentos congeladosRemover AS Peças Interiores Utilização do Dispensador DE Água OpçãoSubstituir a Lâmpada LED Limpar O FrigoríficoResolução de problemas +16 a +43 +10 a +32+16 a +32 +16 a +38Mena Algeria تنرتنلإا ىلع انعقوم ةرايزب مق وأ لصتا دلبلا ملاعلا لوح نجوسماسب لاصتلااةلصفنم عيمتج ةمظنأ ىلع يوتتح يتلا نادلبلا يف قبطم ةيوئملا ةجردلاب ةطيحملا ةرارحلا ةجرد قاطن زمرلا ةئفلااهحلاصإو لاطعلأا فاشكتسا اهتلازلإ قفرب اهعفرا وأ ففرلأا سكعت لا دقف.فلخلا نم اهبكرت ةيبنت طوقسلل ضرعتتاهفلت يف ببستت وأ ةجلاثلا نول ىلع رثؤت مث لماكلاب جراخلل جاردلأا بحسب مقءاملا دادترا يدافتل عزوملل يجاجزلا بوكلا ةاذاحم نم دكأت هجولا ىلع نازخلا لمع مدع ىلإ هبحساو هايملا نازخ عفرب مقهايملا نازخ يف ةيفاصلا ءاطغلا قلغ دنع ضيفي دقف ،كلذ نمماعطلا ممست ةمعطلأا فيلغتل ةبسانم ريغ ةيلاتلا تاجتنملاةمعطلأا فيلغتل ةبسانم ةيلاتلا تاجتنملا ةفلغملا ةمعطلأا قلغل ةبسانم ةيلاتلا تاجتنملاوأ جاتنلإا خيرات ىلإ رظنا ،ةدمجملا ةيحلاصلا تاءارجإ ةيأ ذيفنت نع فقوتي ديربتلاةقاطلا عاطقنا نيزختل اهب حومسملا نيزختلا ةدم ىلإةجلاثلا ليغشت دادعلإا ةيولعلا ةلصفملا دومع طبر دعأ مث ،ةيولعلا ةلصفملا بلقا بيكرتلا تاوطخهذه ءانثأ ةباصلإل ضرعتت لا ىتح رذحلا لماك خوت ةيلمعلا ةيبنت ىطسولاراسيلا لبق دعب19 دادعلإا لقلأا ىلع ةدحاو ةعاس ةدمل رظتنا نكلو ،ةرشابم بابلا ءلامعلا اهلمحتي ةددحم تاقفن لباقم ةلاحلا هذهةيئاذغلا داوملا نم ةغراف اهنأو ةقاطلاب دادملإل يسيئرلا ليدعتلا اذهدادعلإا ةجلاثلا ليغشت تايوتحملاةجلاثلا دادعإ ةجلاثلا دادعإلماكلا نابوذلل تعضخ ةجلاثلا ةرتفل احوتفمً ةجلاثلا باب ءاقب بنجتةملاسلا تامولعم اهريغ وأ ةجلاثلا هذه نم صلختلا دنعدنع ىعارت ةيريذحت تاملاع هيبنت ةجلاثلا نم صلختلا فيظنتلاب ةصاخلا هيبنتلا تاملاع مادختسلااب ةصاخلا هيبنتلا تاملاع هيبنت تباث ريغ وأ فلات ذخأم وأ فلات ةمدص ثودح ىلإ كلذ يدؤي دقف ةيلزنملا ةمعطلأا ةقاطلا سبقم سمل نود روفلا ىلع ةيوهتلل حوارملا مادختسا بنجت لافطلأا وأ عضرلا لوخد نم سرتحاقيرح بوشن يف كلذ ببستي دقف ،لاإو ةنايصلا زكرمب لصتا مث ،روفلا ىلعنابوربلا زاغو ناهدلا فيفخت لئاسو ءاملاب ةءولمم ةيعوأ ةيأ عضو بنجتةجلاثلا قوف نيزنبلا ــ لاعتشلال ةلباقلا وأ ةرياطتملاةيدسج تاباصإ وأ ةيئابرهك ةمدص وأ عينصتلا ةهج لبق نم ةرشابملفسلأ يلدتم كلسلا نوكي ةغرافلا ةحاسملا يف هئاقلإ وأ ،نيئيش اطرفم اعافترا بيكرتلاب ةصاخلالثم راجفنلال ةلباقلا داوملا نيزختب مقت لا بيبانلأا نم قفدتملا ديربتلا زاغل نكميوىلإ تاميلعتلا هذه عابتا مدع يدؤي دق راجفنا عوقو وأ قيرح علادناةملاسلا تامولعم ةملاسلا تامولعماهتاذب ةمئاق ةجلاث Samsung جتنم كئارشل اركشً
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Samsung has long been a leader in home appliance technology, and its lineup of refrigerators, including models like the RB31FSRNDSS/EF, RB33J3205SA/EF, RB33J3420EF/WT, RB32FSRNDSA/RS, and RB33J3200SA/WT, showcases innovation and efficiency. These refrigerators are designed to meet diverse needs while incorporating advanced features that enhance convenience, performance, and style.

One standout feature across these models is the No Frost technology. This system prevents the buildup of frost within the freezer and refrigerator compartments, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. Consumers appreciate this feature for its practicality, as it maintains optimal temperatures and preserves food freshness without the hassle of routine maintenance.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of these Samsung refrigerators. Many of these models are equipped with the Digital Inverter Compressor, which adjusts the cooling power based on the internal temperature and humidity levels. This technology not only improves energy consumption but also reduces noise levels, creating a quieter kitchen environment.

The RB31FSRNDSS/EF, for instance, boasts a spacious interior with flexible storage solutions, including adjustable shelves and door bins. This adaptability allows users to customize their refrigerator space according to their grocery needs, catering to both small and large households.

Another common feature in this lineup is the Multi-Flow Cooling system, which ensures that cool air is circulated evenly throughout the fridge, maintaining consistent temperatures and preventing hotspots that can lead to spoiled food.

Some models, like the RB33J3205SA/EF and RB33J3420EF/WT, come with a sleek stainless steel finish that not only enhances aesthetics but also makes cleaning effortless. Additionally, most of these refrigerators include a variety of smart features and compatibility with Samsung’s SmartThings app, allowing users to monitor and control their appliances remotely.

In conclusion, the Samsung RB series refrigerators exemplify modern design and advanced technology. With features like No Frost technology, energy-efficient compressors, flexible storage solutions, and smart connectivity, they are equipped to handle the demands of today’s busy households while delivering on performance and style. These models stand out as practical investments for anyone looking to enhance their kitchen experience.