Samsung EC-S830ZBBD/E2, EC-S830ZSBB/E2 «∞∑ºπOq Ël b¡, «∞Bu¸ «∞∑IU ´Mb ±d«´U¢NU ¥πV √±u¸, AR-17

Page 18

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EC-S830ZBBA/SE, EC-S830ZBBC/E1, EC-S830ZBBA/PT, EC-S830ZBBB/SP, EC-S830ZBBB/TR specifications

The Samsung EC-S830ZBDA/E3 and EC-S830ZSDA/E3 are compact digital cameras designed to deliver high-quality imaging in a user-friendly package. These cameras are particularly well-suited for photography enthusiasts and casual users alike, merging advanced technology with a sleek, stylish design.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-S830 series is its 8.1-megapixel resolution, which ensures that images are sharp and detailed. This is complemented by a 3x optical zoom lens, allowing users to capture subjects from a distance without sacrificing image quality. The camera's 2.5-inch LCD screen provides a clear view for framing shots and reviewing photos, making it easy for users to navigate through the camera's menu options and settings.

The EC-S830 also boasts a range of intelligent auto features. With its Smart Auto technology, the camera detects the shooting environment and automatically selects the appropriate settings, optimizing exposure, focus, and color for the best possible results. This feature is particularly useful for novice photographers who may not be familiar with manual controls.

In addition to standard shooting modes, the EC-S830 series includes various scene modes such as portrait, landscape, and night. These presets enhance the camera's versatility, enabling users to take stunning photos in diverse conditions. Furthermore, the inclusion of a video recording feature allows for high-resolution video capture, providing versatility for capturing memorable moments in motion.

Samsung has also integrated advanced image stabilization technology into the EC-S830 series. This feature minimizes the effects of camera shake, which is especially beneficial for low-light situations or when using the zoom function. This ensures that users can achieve clear, blur-free images regardless of the shooting conditions.

Durability is another key characteristic of the EC-S830ZBDA/E3 and EC-S830ZSDA/E3. With a robust design, these cameras are built to withstand everyday wear and tear, making them reliable companions for various adventures.

Overall, the Samsung EC-S830ZBDA/E3 and EC-S830ZSDA/E3 cameras present a perfect blend of advanced features, user-friendly functionalities, and a stylish design. With their superior image quality, intelligent auto settings, and robust build, they cater to the needs of photographers looking for a compact solution without compromising on performance. Whether for snapshots or video, these cameras promise an enjoyable photography experience.