Samsung DVD-R121E/EUR, DVD-R120E/EUR manual Ellas Greece

Page 91



Saı eucaristouvme gia thn empistosuvnh pou deivxate sthn SAMSUNG me thn agoravauthvı thı suskeuhvı. To proiovn autovthı SAMSUNG eivnai egguhmevno gia perivodo dwvdeka (12) mhnwvn apovthn hmeromhniva ago- ravı tou gia antallaktikavkai ergatikav.Sthn perivptwsh pou qa creiasteivepiskeuhv, to proiovn autov thı SAMSUNG qa prevpei na staleivhvna metaferqeiv sto exousiodothmevno service, me evxoda tou agorasthv. Exousiodothmevnoi antiprovswpoi kai exousiodothmevna kevntra service se avlleı Eurwpaikevı cwvreı, qa apodecqouvn touı ovrouı thı egguvhshı.

Plhroforiveı gia ta exousiodothmevna kevntra service sthn Ellavda, mporeivte na pavrete apovthn


L.Kruonerivou 112 145 68 Kruonevri, Apikhvı

Thl. 210.629.3100

Oroi thı egguvhshı

1.H egguvhsh iscuvei eavn kai movno eavn to proiovn creiavzetai service kai h kavrta egguvhshı evcei plhvrwı sumplhrwqeivkai sfragisqeivapovto katavsthma agoravı. Epivshı prevpei na proskomisqeiv kai to timolovgio hvh apovdeixh lianikhvı pwvlhshı, pavnw sthn opoiva o seiriakovı ariqmovı tou proiovn- toı prevpei na eivnai eukrinhvı.

2.H upocrevwsh thı SAMSUNG aforavmovno thn episkeuhvtou proiovntoı

3.H episkeuhvtou proiovntoı prevpei na anativqetai movno se exousiodothmevna kevntra service hv exousiodothmevnouı antiproswvpouı thı SAM- SUNG. Kamiva apozhmivwsh den qa givnei apodekthv gia episkeuhvpou evcei givnei apovmh exousiodoth- mevno apovthn SAMSUNG sunergeivo.

4.To proiovn autovden qa qewrhqeivellatwmatikovsta ulikavhvsthn ergasiva episkeuhvı eavn qa prevpei na prosarmosteiv, metatrapeivhvruqmisteivwvste na summorfwqeivme tiı topikevı tecnikevı prodia- grafevı hvprodiagrafevı pou iscuvoun se cwvra avllh apovauthvgia thn opoiva proorizovtan hv kataskeuavsthke.

H egguvhsh authvden kaluvptei apozhmiwvseiı giaÚ

*Kefalevı bivnteo kai kasetofwvnwn

*Kefalevı binteokavmeraı

*Gennhvtrieı aktinwvn Iaser sta CD, DVD


*Lucniveı fouvrnwn mikrokumavtwn

*Prosarmogevı, metatropevı hvruqmivseiı, anex- avrthta an eivnai epituchvı hvanepituchvı, ouvte opoiadhvpote zhmiva proevrcetai ex autouv...

5.H egguvhsh authvden kaluvptei kamiva apovtiı parakavtw periptwvseiıÚ

*Periodikouvı elevgcouı, sunthvrhsh kai episkeuhv hvantikatavstash merwvn pou ofeivlontai se fusiologikhvfqorav

*Ta evxoda kai touı kinduvnouı metaforavı pou scetivzontai me thn egguvhsh autouvtou proiovn-


*Zhmiva se autovto proiovn pou proevrcetai apovÚ

A.Katavcrhsh hvkai kakhvcrhvsh, sumperilam- banomevnhı allavkai mh periorismevnhı seÚ Mh crhvsh autouvtou proiovntoı gia touı skopouvı pou fusiologikavproorivzetai hvsuvm- fwna me tiı odhgiveı crhvsewı gia thn swsthv crhvsh kai sunthvrhsh autouvtou proiovntoı Thn egkatavstash kai crhvsh tou proiovntoı me trovpouı pou antivkeintai stiı tecnikevı prodiagrafevı

asfaleivaı pou iscuvoun katavthn crhvsh tou proiovntoı

B.Episkeuhvpou evgine apovmh exousiodothmevna sunergeiva service

G.Atuchvmata, qeomhniveı hvopoiadhvpote aitiva pevra tou elevgcou thı SAMSUNG, sumperil- ambanomevnwn allavmh periorismevnwn twn

keraunwvn, tou nerouv, thı fwtiavı, twn dhmo- sivwn anataracwvn, tou kakouvaerismouvklp.

D.H egguvhsh authvden ephreavzei ta dikaiwvma- ta tou katanalwthvpou

problevpontai apovthn efarmosteva eqnikhv nomoqesiva pou iscuvei, ouvte ta dikaiwvmata twn katanalwtwvvvn enantivon twn lianopwl- htwvvvvn pou aporrevoun apovthn suvmbash pwvlhshı.

E.Se perivptwsh pou den upavrcei eqnikhvnomo- qesiva authvh egguvhsh qa eivnai h monadikhv kai apokleistikhvkavluyh tou katanalwthvgia kavqe zhmiav.


Image 91
Contents AK68-00905E-01 DVD-R120/R121E DVD-R121 ENo rights are granted for commercial use EnglishHandling Cautions PrecautionImportant Safety Instructions Maintenance of CabinetDisc Storage Disc SpecificationsUsing CD-R/-RW Using MPEG4 discDisc Compaibility DVD-RW VR modeDVD-RW Video mode Do not use the following discsContents Playing a Disc Troubleshooting SpecificationsBefore Recording Before PlayingGeneral Features Manual Recorder Using a DVD-RWUsing a DVD-R Before reading the user’sWhen using a DVD-R disc When using a DVD-RW disc in Video ModeCreating a playlist DVD-RW in VR mode Unpacking AccessoriesPreparing the Remote Control Setting the Remote ControlControllable TV Codes Front panel DVD-R120E DescriptionFront Panel Display DVD-R120E Front panel DVD-R121E Remote Control Reciever ProgFront Panel Display DVD-R121E Fan Rear PanelConnects to equipment having Component video output Tour of the Remote Control Video output cable Audio output cable Connecting to AV3 IN, DV input jackQuick Overview + external decoder box + TVRecorder Connecting the DVDDVD mode TV modeConnect RF antenna cables as shown Video, Component video and Progressive Output ModesCase 1 Connecting to a Video Composite output jack Case 2 Connecting to an S-Video output jackMake sure that the color coded Case 1 Connecting to your TVCase 3 Component Video output jacks If your TV has audio input jacks, use this connectionCase 2 Connecting to a stereo amplifier with AV output jacks Use Input button to select proper input Connecting to AV3 IN, DV input jackCase2 Connecting a DV Device to the DV in jack If the input is not selected automaticallyOK Button On-Screen Menu NavigationMenu Button … † , œ √ ButtonsPlug & Auto Setup Press the OK button, then the date and time will be saved Setting the ClockCheck the date and time Press the …† buttons to select On for the Auto ClockChannel scan will be started Refer to following table when selecting your countryPress the OK button to stop the Auto Setup Press the …†œ √ buttons to select your CountryPresetting Channels with the Manual Setup function Press the Return or œ button to return Setting up the Language OptionsSystem menu will be displayed EP Mode Time SettingWith the unit in Stop mode, press the Menu button Automatic Chapter CreationPress the œ √ buttons to select Yes and press the OK button Adjust the brightness of the unit’s front panel display Setting up the Front Display OptionsDivXR Registration Setting up Nicam OptionsDynamic Compression Setting up the Audio OptionsAudio Options Digital OutputAvailable Video Output Jack Setting up Video Output OptionsVideo setup menu will be displayed Component modeCanceling the Progressive scan Setting up the Progressive scanMessage Video Output Mode Interlace Scan will appear Button to exit the menu This function allows you to setup the TV screen settingsDisplayVideo Options To the previous menu. Press the MenuTo the previous menu. Press the Menu button to exit the menu If you forgot your passwordPress the …† buttons to select Rating Level About the Change PasswordPress the …† buttons to select Change Password About the Rating LevelRecordable discs Before RecordingCompatibility between Samsung and Other Company’s Recorder Unrecordable video Recording ModeConcerning Copy Control Signals Recording FormatsBefore you start Recording the current TV programme you are watchingAbout Info Key Press the OPEN/CLOSE button to close the disc trayDo not use DVD-R authoring discs with this unit SP LP EP XPPress the REC button To stop recordingPR Number AV1 AV2 AV3 DV Recording from external equipment you are watchingCopying from a Camcorder To pause recordingPress the REC button to start recording Making a One Touch Recording OTRPress the Input button to select DV Select a desired channelSet timer recording option Making a Timer RecordingWith the unit in Stop mode, press the Timer button Using the Menu buttonPress the OK button Flexible Recording For Timer recording onlyMode Recording Mode If the timer settings overlapEdit and Delete items are displayed Press the OK button to confirm the edited settingFollow these directions to edit the timer record list Press the OK or √ button EnglishSelected entry will be deleted from the list Recording, recording will stopDiscs that cannot be played Before PlayingRegion code DVD-Video only Disc types that can be playedPress the Stop button to stop playback Playing a DiscPress the OPEN/CLOSE button Press the Title List button to move to the Title List Using the Search FunctionsButton on the remote control Searching through a Chapter or TrackStep Motion Play Moving to a scene directly using the AnykeyAbout Anykey Slow Motion PlayPress the …† buttons to select Time Using the Repeat FunctionUsing the Repeat button Playing RepeatedlyRepeat PlaybackRepeat is highlighted Using the Anykey buttonUnfinalised DVD-RW Video mode do not repeat a chapter Press the Repeat button repeatedly to select OffRepeat playback of the A-B section starts Using the Subtitle buttonSelecting the Subtitle Press the Subtitle button during playbackChanging the Camera Angle Using the Audio buttonUsing the Anykey button Selecting the Audio languageZooming-In Using BookmarksNormal size 2X 4X Number 01 is displayed and the scene is memorized Press the Cancel button to delete the selected bookmarkPlaying back a bookmark Clearing a bookmarkPlaying an Audio CD CD-DA/MP3 Playing an Audio CD/MP3PLAY/PAUSE button Plays a tracksong or pauses playback Insert an MP3 Disc into the disc trayPress the Search / button Fast Play X2, X4 Stop button Stops a tracksongPLAY/PAUSE button Plays a tracksong or MP3 Screen ElementsPress the Play button to playback the playlist English Play Option Mode To Programme TracksPress the œ √ buttons to select Play Option Press the …† buttons to select PlaylistInsert a Jpeg into the disc tray Returns to the Album screen Unit enters slide show modePlaying a Picture Slide show screen will appearMPEG4 Function Description When MPEG4 file is played, you can use following functionsPlaying a MPEG4 Insert a MPEG4 Disc into the disc trayUsing the Menu button Using the Title List buttonPlaying the Title List Press the …† buttons to select Title Title List Screen ElementsTitle List Disc ManagerPlay List Press the Menu button Using the Menu buttonBasic Editing Title List RenamingLabeling a TitleDeleting a Title LockingProtecting a TitleYou cannot delete a protected entry Deleting a Section of a TitleEdit Title List screen is display Press œ √ buttons to select Yes, then press the OK button Press the OK button at the DeleteEdit Title List Screen Elements To make a new playlist Creating a PlaylistPress the OK button at the end point Press the OK button at the start pointFollow these instructions to play the playlist entries Playlist entries will be played VR modePlaying Entries in the Playlist With the unit in Stop mode, press the Play List buttonRenaming a Playlist Entry Enter the desired characters using the …† √ buttonsWith the unit in Stop mode, press Editing a Scene for the PlaylistPlaying a Selected Scene Play List buttonPress the OK button at the start point of the scene Modifying a Scene Replacing a ScenePress the OK button at the end point of the scene Press the OK button at the starting point of the scene Adding a SceneSelected scene is moved to the selected position Playlist that has been selected will be copied Using the Play List buttonCopying a Playlist Entry to the Playlist Deleting a SceneDeleting a Playlist Entry from the Playlist Using the Playlist buttonYou can create up to 999 scenes on one Editing the Disc Name Disc ManagerEnter the desired characters press the …† √ buttons Formatting a Disc Disc ProtectionAll title lists are deleted Delete All Title ListsDisc is finalised Finalising a discDisc is unfinalised Unfinalising a disc V/VR modeDVD-RW can be finalised or unfinalised in VR mode With the unit in Stop mode, press Menu buttonCannot record TV programmes TroubleshootingPower RecordingCheck the regional code of the DVD disc PlaybackVideo Timer RecordingSound Other Remote Control UnitRemote control doesnt work Other problems Forget my password for parental supervisionSpecifications Ellas Greece Contact Samsung World Wide
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DVD-R121E/EUR, DVD-R120E/EUR specifications

Samsung has long been recognized for its innovative approach to consumer electronics, and the Samsung DVD-R120E/EUR and DVD-R121E/EUR DVD players exemplify this legacy of excellence. These two models offer a blend of advanced features, user-friendly design, and robust performance, making them a popular choice for home entertainment systems.

One of the main features of the Samsung DVD-R120E/EUR and DVD-R121E/EUR is their support for a wide range of disc formats. Both models can play DVD-Video, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD, and CD-R/RW formats, ensuring compatibility with various media types. This versatility allows users to enjoy their favorite movies and music collections without hassle. Additionally, these players support MP3 and JPEG playback, enhancing their functionality as multimedia devices.

Another hallmark of these DVD players is their progressive scan capability. This technology delivers sharper images by improving picture quality during playback. The progressive scan feature is particularly beneficial for films and video content, providing a more seamless viewing experience, especially on high-definition televisions. The players come equipped with a component video output, which minimizes signal degradation and ensures excellent video quality.

In terms of user experience, both models are designed with simplicity in mind. The intuitive remote control allows users to navigate through menus and settings effortlessly. Furthermore, the players boast a sleek design, easily integrating into any home theater setup. The DVD-R121E/EUR model offers added features such as a USB input, allowing users to connect external storage devices and access digital content directly.

Samsung has also placed emphasis on audio performance. The players support various audio formats, including Dolby Digital, ensuring that users experience high-quality sound to accompany their visual content. The inclusion of multiple audio outputs, including optical and coaxial, provides flexibility in connecting to a range of audio systems.

Both the Samsung DVD-R120E/EUR and DVD-R121E/EUR incorporate advanced error correction technology, which helps mitigate playback issues caused by scratched or damaged discs. This ensures that users can enjoy their media without interruptions or issues.

In summary, the Samsung DVD-R120E/EUR and DVD-R121E/EUR are ideal choices for anyone looking to enhance their home entertainment experience. With their broad format support, progressive scan technology, intuitive design, and superior audio capabilities, these DVD players stand as reliable options in a market filled with choices. Whether enjoying a classic movie or listening to cherished music, users will find that these Samsung models deliver an exceptional viewing and listening experience.