❒Turn on the circuit breaker and light switch.
NOTE: Sensor has about 1 1/2 minutes warm up period before it will detect motion. When first turned on, wait about 1 1/2 minutes.
❒Turn the RANGE control to the mid position and the
10 5 1 TEST | 1 TEST | MIN MAX | MIN MAX |
10 5 |
| ||
Bottom of Sensor
❒Loosen the clamp screw in the sensor ball joint and gently ro- tate the sensor.
❒Walk through the coverage area noting where you are when the lights turn on (also, the LED will flash several times when mo- tion is detected). Move the sen- sor head up, down, or sideways to change the coverage area.
Keep the sensor at least 1" (2.5 cm) away from the lamps.
❒Adjust the RANGE as needed. RANGE set too high may increase false triggering.
❒Secure the sensor head by tightening the clamp screw. Do not overtighten the screw.
Aim Sensor
Down for Short
Aim Sensor
Higher for Long
Avoid aiming the control at:
•Objects that change temperature rapidly, such as heating vents and air conditioners. These heat sources could cause false triggering.
•Areas where pets or traffic may trigger the control.
•Nearby large,
8 ft.
(2.4 m)
(21 m)
Maximum Range | Maximum |
| Coverage Angle |
The detector is most sensitive to motion across its field of view.
❒Set the amount of TIME you want the lights to stay on after motion is detected (1, 5, or 10 minutes). Note: One minute mode is not recommended for use with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Warning - Risk of fire. Do not aim the lamps at a combustible surface within 3 ft. (1 m).
Range . . . . . . . . . . . . Up to 70 ft. (21 m) [varies with surrounding temperature].
Sensing Angle . . . . . . Up to 180°
Electrical Load . . . . . . Up to 120 Watts Maximum In- candescent [Up to 60 Watts Maximum each lamp holder.] Up to 40 Watts Maximum Fluo- rescent [Up to 20 Watts Maxi- mum each lamp holder.]
Power Requirements . 120 VAC, 60 Hz
Operating Modes . . . . TEST, AUTO and MANUAL
Time Delay . . . . . . . . 1 , 5, 10 minutes Range . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable
DESA Specialty Products™ reserves the right to dis- continue products and to change specifications at any time without incurring any obligation to incorporate new features in products previously sold.
Least Sensitive | Most Sensitive |
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