On the All apps screen, tap Settings →Motions and tick Mute/pause. You can set this feature on the mobile device. Refer to Motions in the Samsung Gear app for more information.
Cover the screen with your palm to mute incoming calls or alarms, or to pause media playback.
Power saving feature
Save the battery power by limiting the Gear’s functions. In power saving mode, the Gear performs the following:
•Displays colours on the screen as grey tones.
•Deactivates features excluding phone, messages, and notifications.
•Deactivates the mobile data connection.
•Deactivates the
•Limits the performance of the Gear’s CPU.
On the All apps screen, tap Settings →Power saving →Power saving mode →Enable Power saving mode. To deactivate this mode, tap →Disable Power saving.
To set the Gear to connect the mobile network, tap →Mobile networks.