Your LTD heater is equipped with a modulating valve. The following material should be read thor- oughly.
1.The modulating valve regulates gas flow through heater based on sensing unit in the plenum, and maintains a constant drying air temperature.
2.The sensing bulb of the modu- lating valve should be mounted through the bin wall with the reading side top up. The bulb reacts to temperature. It changes the amount of gas (in crease or decrease), burning warmer or cooler depending on the position of the valve SET POINT. If the bulb is cooler than it was at the SET POINT, the bulb senses the cooler tempera- ture and opens the valve further so more heat is applied to the drying air. If the bulb is warmer than it was at the SET POINT, the valve closes further and re duces the temperature until the air is at the valve SET POINT.
3.It is important that the pressure regulator be set high enough to allow the modulating valve to deliver enough gas to maintain the plenum temperature neces- sary. The regulator is normally factory set at 15 psi. To set the
regulator, run the heater and turn the modulating valve
4.Turn the fan and heater on. To set the modulating valve, turn the
5.The valve will now keep the ple- num temperature at the set point regardless of ambient condi-
tions as long as humidistat or thermostat do not shut down the heater. A bypass orifice is used to maintain a small flame when outside temperature is near or above the set point of the valve. The bypass insures steady application of heat at minimum gas flow operation.
6.The modulating valve may re- quire minor adjustment periodi- cally if a certain temperature rise over ambient (outside) tempera- ture is desired.
7.To observe how the modulating valve increases the efficiency of bin drying, check the gas pres- sure of the unit in the morning and compare to the pressure read