Samsung RZ70EESW1/SML manual Safety information, Safety Information

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safety information


Before operating the appliance, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for your reference.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Because these following operating instructions cover various models, the characteristics of your freezer may differ slightly from those described in this manual.

Important safety symbols and precautions:


Do not install the freezer in a damp place or place where it may come in contact with water.

-Deteriorated insulation of electrical parts may cause an electric shock or fi re.

Do not place this freezer in direct sunlight or expose to the heat from stoves, room heaters or other appliance.

Never use gas pipes, telephone lines or other

potential lightening rods as ground.

-Improper use of the ground plug can result in electric shock.

Do not plug several appliances into the same multiple power board. The freezer should always be plugged into its own individual electrical which

has a voltage rating that matched the rating plate.

-This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits, which


Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or


could cause a fi re hazard from overheated wires.

• Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion

damage along its length or at either end.


Hazards or unsafe practices that may

result in minor personal injury or property damage.

• Do not bend the power cord excessively or place

heavy articles on it.


Do NOT attempt.

Do NOT disassemble.

Do NOT touch.

Follow directions carefully.

Unplug the power plug from the wall socket.

Make sure the machine is grounded to prevent electric shock.

Call the contact center for help.


These warning signs are here to prevent injury to you and others.

Please follow them explicitly.

After reading this section, keep it in a safe place for future reference.

This freezer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the manual before

it is used.

If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power plug.

- There is a risk of electric shock of fi re.

Connect the power plug in proper position with the cord hanging down.

- If you connect the power plug upside down, wire can get cut off and cause fi re or electric shock.

When moving the freezer, be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.

- This constitutes a fi re hazard.

Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by the back of the freezer.

Keep the packing materials out of reach of children.

- There is a risk of death from suffocation if children put them on their head.

The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible after installation.

02_ safety information

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Contents Freezer Severe Warning Signs Warning for Installation Safety informationSafety Information Important safety symbols and precautionsSevere Warning Signs Warning for Using Electronics service centerSevere Warning Signs Warning for Disposal Additional Tips for Proper UsageContents Reversing the Freezer Door Setting up your freezerGetting Ready to Install the Freezer Selecting the best location for the FreezerScrew the bolts that were removed on Freezer where bolts were previously removedSeparate the front leg cover after removing 2 screws Bottom left side of the freezer for the future UsageHandles may not have cover depending on the models Tighten 2 screws back to its placeLevelling the Freezer Using the Control PanelOperating your freezer Checking the Control PanelMaking ICE Using the Fresher BOX OptionAlarm EcoMaintaining your freezer For LED lamp, please contact service engineer to replace it Cleaning the FreezerDo not use Benzene, Thinner or Clorox for Warning cleaning Replacing the Interior LightTroubleshooting TroubleshootingAmbient Room Temperature Limits Морозильник Травмам или порче имущества Информация о безопасностиПравила Безопасности Проводки, который может стать причиной возгоранияЗнаки Предупреждения ОСТОРОЖНО! ПРИ Использовании Знаки Предупреждения ОСТОРОЖНО! ПРИ УстановкеСтрогие Знаки Предупреждения ПРИ ВНИМАНИЕ! Использовании Информация о безопасности04 Информация о безопасности Дополнительные Советы ПО Правильному ИспользованиюЭто может привести к стиранию букв на нем Сколько продлятся ремонтные работыЭксплуатация МОРОЗИЛЬНИКА………………………………………………………………………… СодержаниеСоветы по экономии энергии Устранение Неисправностей …………………………………………………………………………Необходимые инструменты не входят в комплект Подготовка К Установке МорозильникаПеревешивание Дверцы Морозильника 06 Установка и настройкаУстановка и настройка Отключен от розетки На некоторых моделях ручки могут не иметь крышек17.Закрепите 3 болта и подключите провода 08 Установка и настройкаБлокировка от детей Работа С Панелью УправленияВыравнивание Морозильника МорозильникЗвуковое оповещение Использование Ящика Fresher BOX ОпцияПриготовление Льда 10 ЭксплуатацияРабочем состоянии Извлечение Внутренних ЧастейДверной лоток Чистка МорозильникаЗамена Осветительной Лампы 12 Поддержание в рабочем состоянииУстранение неисправностей Температурные границы окружающей среды Page Page Page ʺʥʬʷʺʸʥʺʩʠ ʺʥʬʷʺʸʥʺʩʠ ʤʴʩʸʹʺʰʫʱʲʥʰʮʬʩʣʫʺʥʩʰʥʫʮʬ ʺʬʣʤʯʢʮʺʩʮʩʰʴʤʤʸʥʠʺʤʺʸʥʰʺʴʬʧʤ ʺʥʸʩʹʤʦʫʸʮʬʤʰʴLʺʩʸʥʰʺʴʬʧʤʬʹʩʮʢʤʧʸʷʤʹʢʮ ʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʷʥʦʧʺʧʸʷʤʺʥʩʡʥʷʺʠʶʥʤ ʺʥʡʩʺʤʲʸʺʤ   Co ʭʩʣʬʩʺʬʩʲʰ  ʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʬʲʴʤʠʩʴʷʮ ןימי דצל הטונ רישכמה 2 המגוד לאמש דצל הטונ רישכמה 1 המגודʸʸʷʮʤʺʬʥʲʴʡʭʥʢʴʬ ʭʮʥʷʮʬʤʸʦʧʡʭʩʢʸʡʩʰʹʷʣʤ.19.ʭʩʮʢʣʬ .ʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʬʣʺʠʺʥʸʩʤʦʡʯʷʺʤ.ʺʩʮʣʷʤ.ʩʣʩʺʲʹʥʮʩʹʬʠʩʴʷʮʤ ʸʩʶʤʭʩʸʮʥʬʹʤʰʥʺʧʺʤʺʩʬʠʮʹʤʤʰʩʴʡʥʸʱʥʤʹʭʩʢʸʡʤ ʸʩʶʤאיפקמה תבצהל רתויב בוטה םוקמב הריחב ʤʬʥʲʴʬʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʰʫʤםילולכ םניא םישורד םילכ ʭʩʰʩʩʰʲʤʯʫʥʺ למשחב ןוכסיחל תוצעʩʣʫʬʮʹʧʤʺʸʡʧʬʤʰʴʬʮʹʧʺʷʱʴʤʬʹʤʸʷʮʡ‡ ʯʥʩʷʩʰʩʡʢʬʺʥʸʩʤʦʩʬʮʱ ʺʥʸʩʤʦʷʥʬʩʱʩʡʢʬʤʸʥʮʧʤʸʤʦʠʩʬʮʱ ʤʸʤʦʠ ʤʰʷʺʤʩʡʢʬʺʥʸʩʤʦʩʬʮʱ ʺʥʸʩʤʦ ʹʥʮʩʹʩʡʢʬʤʸʥʮʧʤʸʤʦʠʩʬʮʱ ʤʸʤʦʠךירדמב םיעיפומה םירחא םילמס ʺʥʧʩʨʡʠʹʥʰʡʲʣʩʮםיבושח תוריהז יעצמאו תוחיטב ילמס ZZZVDPVXQJFRPUHJLVWHU RGH1R$759