Samsung RZ70EESW1/SML Severe Warning Signs Warning for Disposal, Additional Tips for Proper Usage

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Do not directly spray water inside or outside the freezer.

-There is a risk of fi re or electric shock.

Do not spray infl ammable gas near the freezer. - There is a risk of explosion or fi re.

• Remove any foreign matter or dust from the power plug pins. But do not use a wet or

damp cloth when cleaning the plug, remove any foreign material or dust from the power plug pins.

-Otherwise there is a risk of fi re or electric shock.

• Do not spray cleaning products directly on the display.

-Printed letters on the display may come off.

• Unplug the freezer before cleaning and making repairs.


When disposing of this or other freezers, remove the door/door seals, door

latch so that small children or animals cannot become trapped inside. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Please dispose of the packaging material for this product in an environmentally friendly manner.

Leave the shelves in place so that children may not easily climb inside. Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appliance are damaged prior to disposal.

R600a or R134a is used as a refrigerant. Check the compressor label on the rear of the appliance or the rating label inside the freezer to see which refrigerant is used for your freezer. When this product contains fl ammable gas (Refrigerant R600a), contact your local authority in regard to safe disposal of this product. Cyclopentane is used as a insulation blowing gas. The gases in insulation material require special disposal procedure. Please contact your local authorities in regard to the environmentally safe disposal of this product. Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appliances are damaged prior to disposal. The pipes shall be broke in the open space.

If the appliance contains iso-butane refrigerant (R600a), a natural gas with high environmental compatibility that is, however, also combustible. When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure that no parts of the refrigerating circuit are damaged.

04_ safety information

Refrigerant squirting out of the pipes could ignite or cause an eye injury. If a leak is detected, avoid any naked fl ames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.

In order to avoid the creation of a fl ammable gas-air mixture if a leak in the refrigerating circuit occurs, the size of the room in which the appliance may be sited depends on the amount of refrigerant used.

Never start up an appliance showing any signs of damage. If in doubt, consult your dealer.

The room must be 1m³ in size for every 8g of R600a refrigerant inside the appliance. The amount of refrigerant in your particular appliance is shown on the identifi cation plate inside the appliance.



In the event of a power failure, call the local offi ce of your Electricity Company and ask how long it is going to last.

-Most power failures that are corrected in an hour or two will not affect your freezer temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door openings while the power is off.

-But Should the power failure last more than 24 hours, remove all frozen food.

If the key is provided with freezer, the keys should be kept out of the reach of children and not in vicinity of the appliance.

The appliance might not operate consistently (possibility of defrosting of

contents or temperature becoming too warm in the freezer) when sited for an extended period of time below the cold end of the range of temperatures for which the refrigerating appliance is designed.

Your appliance is frost free, which means there is no need to manually defrost your appliance, as this will be carried out automatically.

Temperature rising during the defrost can comply with ISO requirement. But If you want to prevent an undue rise in the temperature of the frozen food while defrosting the appliance, please wrap the frozen food in several layers of newspaper.

Any increase in temperature of frozen food during defrosting can shorten its storage life.

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Contents Freezer Safety information Safety InformationSevere Warning Signs Warning for Installation Important safety symbols and precautionsSevere Warning Signs Warning for Using Electronics service centerSevere Warning Signs Warning for Disposal Additional Tips for Proper UsageContents Setting up your freezer Getting Ready to Install the FreezerReversing the Freezer Door Selecting the best location for the FreezerFreezer where bolts were previously removed Separate the front leg cover after removing 2 screwsScrew the bolts that were removed on Bottom left side of the freezer for the future UsageHandles may not have cover depending on the models Tighten 2 screws back to its placeUsing the Control Panel Operating your freezerLevelling the Freezer Checking the Control PanelUsing the Fresher BOX Option AlarmMaking ICE EcoMaintaining your freezer Cleaning the Freezer Do not use Benzene, Thinner or Clorox for Warning cleaningFor LED lamp, please contact service engineer to replace it Replacing the Interior LightTroubleshooting TroubleshootingAmbient Room Temperature Limits Морозильник Информация о безопасности Правила БезопасностиТравмам или порче имущества Проводки, который может стать причиной возгоранияЗнаки Предупреждения ОСТОРОЖНО! ПРИ Установке Строгие Знаки Предупреждения ПРИ ВНИМАНИЕ! ИспользованииЗнаки Предупреждения ОСТОРОЖНО! ПРИ Использовании Информация о безопасностиДополнительные Советы ПО Правильному Использованию Это может привести к стиранию букв на нем04 Информация о безопасности Сколько продлятся ремонтные работыСодержание Советы по экономии энергииЭксплуатация МОРОЗИЛЬНИКА………………………………………………………………………… Устранение Неисправностей …………………………………………………………………………Подготовка К Установке Морозильника Перевешивание Дверцы МорозильникаНеобходимые инструменты не входят в комплект 06 Установка и настройкаУстановка и настройка На некоторых моделях ручки могут не иметь крышек 17.Закрепите 3 болта и подключите проводаОтключен от розетки 08 Установка и настройкаРабота С Панелью Управления Выравнивание МорозильникаБлокировка от детей МорозильникИспользование Ящика Fresher BOX Опция Приготовление ЛьдаЗвуковое оповещение 10 ЭксплуатацияРабочем состоянии Извлечение Внутренних ЧастейЧистка Морозильника Замена Осветительной ЛампыДверной лоток 12 Поддержание в рабочем состоянииУстранение неисправностей Температурные границы окружающей среды Page Page Page ʺʥʬʷʺʸʥʺʩʠ ʺʥʬʷʺʸʥʺʩʠ ʺʬʣʤʯʢʮ ʺʩʮʩʰʴʤʤʸʥʠʺʤʺʸʥʰʺʴʬʧʤʤʴʩʸʹʺʰʫʱʲʥʰʮʬʩʣʫʺʥʩʰʥʫʮʬ ʺʥʸʩʹʤʦʫʸʮʬʤʰʴLʺʩʸʥʰʺʴʬʧʤʬʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʷʥʦʧʺ ʧʸʷʤʺʥʩʡʥʷʺʠʶʥʤʹʩʮʢʤʧʸʷʤʹʢʮ ʺʥʡʩʺʤʲʸʺʤ   Co ʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʬʲʴʤ ʠʩʴʷʮʭʩʣʬʩʺʬʩʲʰ  ןימי דצל הטונ רישכמה 2 המגוד לאמש דצל הטונ רישכמה 1 המגודʭʮʥʷʮʬʤʸʦʧʡʭʩʢʸʡʩʰʹʷʣʤ.19 .ʭʩʮʢʣʬʸʸʷʮʤʺʬʥʲʴʡʭʥʢʴʬ .ʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʬʣʺʠʺʥʸʩʤʦʡʯʷʺʤ.ʺʩʮʣʷʤʸʩʶʤʭʩʸʮʥ ʬʹʤʰʥʺʧʺʤʺʩʬʠʮʹʤʤʰʩʴʡʥʸʱʥʤʹʭʩʢʸʡʤ.ʩʣʩʺʲʹʥʮʩʹʬʠʩʴʷʮʤ ʸʩʶʤםילולכ םניא םישורד םילכ ʤʬʥʲʴʬʠʩʴʷʮʤʺʰʫʤאיפקמה תבצהל רתויב בוטה םוקמב הריחב ʭʩʰʩʩʰʲʤʯʫʥʺ למשחב ןוכסיחל תוצעʷʥʬʩʱʩʡʢʬʤʸʥʮʧʤʸʤʦʠʩʬʮʱ ʤʸʤʦʠ ʯʥʩʷʩʰʩʡʢʬʺʥʸʩʤʦʩʬʮʱ ʺʥʸʩʤʦʩʣʫʬʮʹʧʤʺʸʡʧʬʤʰʴʬʮʹʧʺʷʱʴʤʬʹʤʸʷʮʡ‡ ʤʰʷʺʤʩʡʢʬʺʥʸʩʤʦʩʬʮʱ ʺʥʸʩʤʦ ʹʥʮʩʹʩʡʢʬʤʸʥʮʧʤʸʤʦʠʩʬʮʱ ʤʸʤʦʠםיבושח תוריהז יעצמאו תוחיטב ילמס ʺʥʧʩʨʡʠʹʥʰʡʲʣʩʮךירדמב םיעיפומה םירחא םילמס ZZZVDPVXQJFRPUHJLVWHU RGH1R$759