1.All installations must conform with local building codes, or, in the absence of local codes, with current
2.All electrical connections must be in accordance with Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, CSA Standard C22.1.
All electrical connections must conform to the current edition of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 CSA Standard C22.1 and applicable local codes.
WARNING: On heaters, which recirculate room air, outside ventilation air must be provided in accodance with the information shown on the heater nameplate.
Recirculation of room air may be hazardous in the pres- ence of:
•flammable solids, liquids and gases
•explosive materials such as grain dust, coal dust, gunpowder, etc.
•substances such as refrigerants or aerosols which may become toxic when exposed to heat or flame.
Recirculation is not recommended in uninsulated buildings where outside temperatures fall below 32°F (0°C).
Excessive recirculation or insufficient ventilation air, which results in inadequate dilution of combustion products gen- erated by the heater, may create hazardous concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other combus- tion products in the heated space.
If gas fork trucks or other fossil fuel powered equipment are utilized in the conditioned area, additional ventilation requirements for the facility must be addressed separately.
The heater inlet shall be located in accordance with appli- cable building code provisions for ventilation air.
Field constructed intake accessories should be properly designed to minimize the entry of snow and rain.
All ventilation air to the heater shall be ducted directly from the outdoors.
If in doubt regarding the application, consult the heater manufacturer.
ETL labeled heaters must be equipped with a control sys- tem and an air measuring station provided by the heater manufacturer and installed on the return air damper or duct.