Lennox International Inc G50UH-60C-110, G50UH-48C-110, G50UH-60D-135 Maximum Horizontal Inches mm

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5 - Theentirelengthofsinglewallmetalventconnector shallbe readilyaccessiblefor inspection,cleaning, andreplacement.

6 - Singleapplianceventingconfigurationswithzerolat- erallengths(tables3and4)areassumedto haveno elbowsintheventsystemForallotherventconfigura.- tions,theventsystemisassumedtohavetwo90°el- bows.Foreachadditional90°elboworequivalent(for exampletwo45°elbowsequalone90°elbow)beyond two,themaximumcapacitylistedintheventingtable shouldbereducedby10%(0.90x maximumlistedca- pacity).

7 - Thecommonventingtables(5,6,7,and8)weregen- eratedusinga maximumhorizontalventconnector

lengthof 1-1/2feet(.46m)foreachinch(25mm)of connectordiameterasfollows:


Connector Diameter



inches (mm)


Length feet (m)

3 (76)



4 (102)



5 (127)



6 (152)



7 (178)



_ If the common vertical vent is offset, the maximum common vent capacity listed in the common venting tables should be reduced by 20%, the equivalent of two 90° elbows (0.80 x maximum common vent capacity). The horizontal length of the offset shall not exceed 1-1/2 feet (.46 m) for each inch (25 mm) of common vent diameter.

9 - The vent pipe should be as short as possible with the least number of elbows and angles required to com- plete the job. Route the vent connector to the vent us- ing the shortest possible route.

10 - A vent connector shall be supported without any dips or sags and shall slope a minimum of 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) per linear foot (305 mm) of connector, back toward the appliance.

11 - Vent connectors shall be firmly attached to the furnace flue collar by self-drilling screws or other approved

means, except vent connectors of listed type B vent material which shall be assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions. Joints between sections of single wall connector piping shall be fastened by screws or other approved means.

12- When the vent connector used for Category I ap- pliances must be located in or pass through a crawl- space or other areas which may be cold, that portion of the vent connector shall be constructed of listed double-wall type B vent material or material having equivalent insulation qualities.

13 - All venting pipe passing through floors, walls, and ceil- ings must be installed with the listed clearance to com- bustible materials and be fire stopped according to lo- cal codes. In absence of local codes, refer to NFGC (Z223.1).

14 - No portion of the venting system can extend into, or pass through any circulation air duct or plenum.

15 - Vent connectors serving Category I appliances shall not be connected to any portion of mechanical draft systems operating under positive pressure such as Category III or IV venting systems.

16 - If vent connectors are combined prior to entering the common vent, the maximum common vent capacity listed in the common venting tables must be reduced by 10%, the equivalent of one 90° elbow (0.90 x maximum common vent capacity).

17 - The common vent diameter must always be at least as large as the largest vent connector diameter.

18 - In no case, shall the vent connector be sized more than two consecutive table size diameters over the size of the draft hood outlet or flue collar outlet.

19 - Do not install a manual damper, barometric draft regu- lator or flue restrictor between the furnace and the


20 - When connecting this appliance to an existing dedi- cated or common venting system, you must inspect the venting system's general condition and look for signs of corrosion. The existing vent pipe size must conform to these instructions and the provided venting tables for the USA, and the appropriate venting tables in the standards of CSA B149 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes for Canada. If the existing venting system does not meet these requirements, it must be resized.

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Image 15
Contents G50UHX Series Supply AIR FlueBoxGasket HeatExchanger FlueCollectorBox Gasket FlueTransitionPackage 1 of 1 contains Wheninstalled,thisfurnacemustbeelectricallygrounded Acaution Canada,referto the standardCSAB149installation codesAir from Inside WiTER/ RoomEquipment in Confined Space ALL AIR from Outside Mm at unit front. The unit must be levelSide View Front View 27-5/8Leveling an Upflow Unit Leveling Bolt Installation Inches mmRemovingthe Bottom Panel Removing the Bottom PanelHorizontal Application Unit Installed on Platform Hole Filter Size Supply Air Plenum Combustion Air InducerVent Connection Venting Using a Masonry ChimneyOutletopeningSeefigure15 Thelatesteditionof NationalFuelGasCodeNFPA54Minimum Vent capacity Common Venting Using Tile-Lined Interior Masonry ChimneCombined Vent Connector Single applianceMaximum Horizontal Inches mm MIN MAX Serving a Single Category I Appliance Serving Two or More Category I Appliances Type B Double-WallVents with Type B Double-Wall ConnectorsRemoval of the Furnace from Common Vent VentGas Pipe Capacity ft3/hr m3/hr PropaneInstallationCodesinCanadaElectrostatic Discharge ESD Precautions and ProceduresInterior MAKE-UP BOX Installation Leak CheckINTERIORMAKE-UP BOX Installation PowER @1HsuN,TZk for Correct Number of Secondary Typical G50UHX Field Wiring DiagramSot G5OUHXManifold For Your Safety Read Before LightingRevolution Honeywell VR8205 Gas Valve with ON/OFF SwitchPrimary and Secondary Limits FlueAnd Chimney CheckunitforproperdraftG50UHX Burner & Heat Exchanger Removal Ak Caution Diagnostic Surelight Control Normal Heating Mode Abnormal Heating ModeYESl =-lYESl Normalcooling Mode Abnormalcooling ModeYEs FurnaceBtuInput BlowerMotorAmps