Whirlpool AD35DSS1 Dehumidifier Care, CleaningtheAirFilteronsomemodels, Cleaning theDehumidifier

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Your new dehumidifier is designed to give you many years of dependable service. This section tells you how to clean and care for your dehumidifier. Call your local authorized dealer for an annual cleaning of the dehumidifier.


The air filter is removable for easy cleaning. A clean filter helps remove dust, lint, and other particles from the air and is important for best operating efficiency. Check the filter every 2 weeks to see whether it needs cleaning.

1.Turn off dehumidifier.

2.Remove bucket.

3.Pull filter down from below front louvers.

4.Pull bottom edge of air filter toward you to clear the bottom of the dehumidifier.

5.Use a vacuum cleaner to clean air filter. If air filter is very dirty, wash it in warm water with a mild detergent. Do not wash air filter in the dishwasher or use any chemical cleaners. Air dry filter completely before replacing to ensure maximum efficiency.

6.Slide air filter up into the dehumidifier.

7.Reinstall bucket.

8.Turn on the dehumidifier.

Cleaning theDehumidifier


NOTE: Have an authorized service technician clean and service the interior coils of your product annually.

1.Turn off dehumidifier.

2.Dust front grille and side panels with a soft brush or the dusting attachment of your vacuum cleaner.

Water Bucket

Every few weeks, rinse the inside of the water bucket with a mild detergent to avoid growth of mold, mildew and bacteria.

Water Level Float

The dehumidifier has an Empty/Adjust Bucket light and a water level float. The bucket must be properly aligned for the water level float and Empty/Adjust Bucket light to work.

NOTE: Be sure float is snapped in place.



A. Water level float

B. Bucket


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Contents Dehumidifier 1188927Índice Table of ContentsDehumidifier Safety Installation Requirements Electrical RequirementsLocationRequirements Recommended grounding methodSetting theControlsControlTypes 1and2 Only Dehumidifier USESettingtheControlsControl Types 3and4Only Starting/Stopping the DehumidifierFan Speed Control Type 3 Models Only Fan Speed Control Type 4 Models OnlyOption 1-Remove Bucket DrainingtheDehumidifierDesired Humidity NormalSounds Option 2-Connect Drain HoseDehumidifier Care CleaningtheAirFilteronsomemodelsCleaning theDehumidifier Troubleshooting Ice forms on coilsDehumidifier runs but does not dehumidify Air coming from dehumidifier is warmCanada Assistance or ServiceU.S.A Please record your models information Seguridad DEL Deshumidificador Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás es muy importanteRequisitos DE Instalación RequisitoseléctricosRequisitos deubicación Método recomendado para la puesta a tierraLuz de Empty/Adjust Bucket Vacíe/Ajuste el balde Cómo Usar EL DeshumidificadorAjustedeloscontroles Sóloparamodeloscon controles tipo1y2 Encender/Apagar el deshumidificadorAjustedeloscontrolesSóloparamodelos concontrolestipo3y4 Dryness Control Control de sequedadCómodesaguarel deshumidificador Velocidad de ventilación Sólo para modelos con control tipoHumedad deseada Opción 1-Saque el baldeSonidosnormales Opción 2 Conecte la manguera de desagüeCuidado DEL Deshumidificador Limpiezadel filtrodeaireen algunos modelosLimpiezadel deshumidificador Balde de aguaSolución DE Problemas Se forma hielo en los serpentinesEl deshumidificador funciona pero no deshumidifica Está tibio el aire que viene del deshumidificadorAyuda O Servicio Técnico En los EE.UU