Troubleshooting Wireless ISS Reception
ON |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
DIP Switches
Transmitter ID DIP Switches in
To change to another ID, use a ballpoint pen or paper clip to toggle DIP switches #1, 2, and 3. The settings for Transmitter IDs 1 - 8 are shown in the table below.
Set the Vantage Pro2 console to the same ID as the transmitters, as described in the Vantage Pro2 Console Manual.
#1 (default) | off | off | off |
#2 | off | off | ON |
#3 | off | ON | off |
#4 | off | ON | ON |
#5 | ON | off | off |
#6 | ON | off | ON |
#7 | ON | ON | off |
#8 | ON | ON | ON |
Using Multiple Transmitting Stations
This table shows the maximum number of each type of station that can be used with a single Vantage Pro2 console. The console can receive signals from a total of up to eight transmitters (stations).
Station Type | Maximum Number |
Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) | 1 |
Anemometer Transmitter Kit* | 1 |
Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station | 2** |
Temperature Station | 8 |
Temperature/Humidity Station | 8 |
*Replaces the ISS anemometer.
**Two are allowable only if both stations are only partially populated. For example, A network can either have both a Leaf Wetness/Temperature station and a Soil Moisture/Temperature station, or it can have one combined Leaf Wetness and Soil Moisture/Temperature station.